Town centre management in the UK: a review, synthesis and research agenda
Despite rapid growth in the number of town centre management schemes in the UK there
have been few attempts to consider this topic from an academic perspective. This article …
have been few attempts to consider this topic from an academic perspective. This article …
[HTML][HTML] Reframing high street viability: A review and synthesis in the English context
Changing consumer trends, waves of retail decentralisation, and various socio-economic
and environmental shocks have exacerbated the well-recognised challenges of retail …
and environmental shocks have exacerbated the well-recognised challenges of retail …
Improving the vitality and viability of the UK High Street by 2020: Identifying priorities and a framework for action
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to document the results and the impact of the ESRC-
funded High Street UK 2020 (HSUK2020), a project designed to take the existing academic …
funded High Street UK 2020 (HSUK2020), a project designed to take the existing academic …
A categorization of small retailer research streams: what does it portend for future research?
RC Runyan, C Droge - Journal of Retailing, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper presents an extensive review of 20+ years of research on small, independent
retailers. For each of 134 articles, the focus, theory, analysis, methodology, and key findings …
retailers. For each of 134 articles, the focus, theory, analysis, methodology, and key findings …
Big-box retailing and the urban retail structure: the case of the Toronto area
K Jones, M Doucet - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper examines the growth and impact of power centres and “big-box” retailers through
the 1990s in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The data reveal that 72% of big boxes were …
the 1990s in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The data reveal that 72% of big boxes were …
Importance‐performance analysis as a tool in evaluating town centre management effectiveness
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights for the evaluation of town
centre management (TCM) effectiveness, by proposing the importance‐performance …
centre management (TCM) effectiveness, by proposing the importance‐performance …
Marketing at the public/private sector interface; town centre management schemes in the south of England
The last ten years have witnessed the rapid expansion of town centre management (TCM)
schemes in the UK. In many TCM schemes the original 'janitorial'emphasis on improvements …
schemes in the UK. In many TCM schemes the original 'janitorial'emphasis on improvements …
Getting customers downtown: the role of branding in achieving success for central business districts
Purpose–To extend the research focuses of downtown business districts beyond the urban
planning literature through application of the resource‐based theory of the firm. Downtowns …
planning literature through application of the resource‐based theory of the firm. Downtowns …
Reasons for retailers' involvement in town centre management
Building on an earlier publication in the International Journal of Retail & Distribution
Management, the following article investigates the reasons for retailers' involvement in town …
Management, the following article investigates the reasons for retailers' involvement in town …
Measuring the effectiveness of town centre management schemes: an exploratory framework
J Pal, E Sanders - International Journal of Retail & Distribution …, 1997 - emerald.com
Town centre management as an activity has been in operation for over five years in the UK.
A postal survey of town centre managers and local planning officers in northwest England …
A postal survey of town centre managers and local planning officers in northwest England …