Child and adolescent depression: A review of theories, evaluation instruments, prevention programs, and treatments
Depression is the principal cause of illness and disability in the world. Studies charting the
prevalence of depression among children and adolescents report high percentages of …
prevalence of depression among children and adolescents report high percentages of …
Efficacy and effectiveness of school-based prevention and early intervention programs for anxiety
AL Neil, H Christensen - Clinical psychology review, 2009 - Elsevier
A systematic review was conducted of school-based prevention and early intervention
programs for anxiety. The aim of the review was to identify and describe the programs …
programs for anxiety. The aim of the review was to identify and describe the programs …
[PDF][PDF] Abnormal child psychology
EJ Mash, DA Wolfe - 2005 - academia.edu
Писать второе издание учебника—одно удовольствие (по сравнению с первым!). Мы
вполне довольны теплым приемом, оказанным первому изданию за короткое время …
вполне довольны теплым приемом, оказанным первому изданию за короткое время …
Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for child and adolescent depression
C David-Ferdon, NJ Kaslow - Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent …, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
The evidence-base of psychosocial treatment outcome studies for depressed youth
conducted since 1998 is examined. All studies for depressed children meet Nathan and …
conducted since 1998 is examined. All studies for depressed children meet Nathan and …
The prevention of child and adolescent anxiety: A meta-analytic review
The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of
child and adolescent anxiety prevention programs. Mean weighted effect sizes were …
child and adolescent anxiety prevention programs. Mean weighted effect sizes were …
Mindfulness for children and youth: A review of the literature with an argument for school-based implementation
K Rempel - Canadian Journal of Counselling and …, 2012 - cjc-rcc.ucalgary.ca
Interest in the use of mindfulness-based activities with children and youth is growing. The
article evaluates empirical evidence related to the use of mindfulness-based activities to …
article evaluates empirical evidence related to the use of mindfulness-based activities to …
School‐based prevention: current status and future challenges
MT Greenberg - Effective Education, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
The field of school‐based prevention of behavioral problems and promotion of caring and
competence has grown dramatically in the past decade. This article provides a brief …
competence has grown dramatically in the past decade. This article provides a brief …
Practitioner Review: School‐based interventions in child mental health
FW Paulus, S Ohmann, C Popow - Journal of Child Psychology …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Background School‐based interventions (SBI s) are well‐established and effective
treatments for improving child mental health. Specific school‐based topics include …
treatments for improving child mental health. Specific school‐based topics include …
A meta-analysis of universal school-based prevention programs for anxiety and depression in children
Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental health issues experienced in
childhood. Implementing school-based prevention programs during childhood, rather than …
childhood. Implementing school-based prevention programs during childhood, rather than …
Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy for adolescents experiencing depression and/or anxiety: A therapist's perspective
K Wilson, M Buultjens, M Monfries… - … child psychology and …, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAIs) are thought to overcome some of the limitations of
traditional therapies as they do not rely exclusively on language as a medium for change …
traditional therapies as they do not rely exclusively on language as a medium for change …