Derivation of vulnerability functions for European-type RC structures based on observational data
T Rossetto, A Elnashai - Engineering structures, 2003 - Elsevier
In this paper existing vulnerability relationships for reinforced concrete structures are
reviewed with a view to their application to a European (and similar) seismic risk …
reviewed with a view to their application to a European (and similar) seismic risk …
The effect of material and ground motion uncertainty on the seismic vulnerability curves of RC structure
OS Kwon, A Elnashai - Engineering structures, 2006 - Elsevier
Starting from the premise that vulnerability curves are an indispensable ingredient of
earthquake loss assessment, this paper focuses on establishing the relative effect of strong …
earthquake loss assessment, this paper focuses on establishing the relative effect of strong …
A new analytical procedure for the derivation of displacement-based vulnerability curves for populations of RC structures
T Rossetto, A Elnashai - Engineering structures, 2005 - Elsevier
A new procedure is proposed for the derivation of analytical displacement-based
vulnerability curves for the seismic assessment of populations of reinforced concrete …
vulnerability curves for the seismic assessment of populations of reinforced concrete …
Experimental Investigation of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames with Openings.
The influence of masonry openings on the seismic performance of infilled reinforced
concrete frames, designed according to current code provisions, is investigated. Eight 1/3 …
concrete frames, designed according to current code provisions, is investigated. Eight 1/3 …
Fragility-based assessment of typical mid-rise and low-rise RC buildings in Turkey
MA Erberik - Engineering Structures, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper focuses on the seismic fragility assessment of typical low-rise and mid-rise
reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Turkey by considering Düzce Damage database …
reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Turkey by considering Düzce Damage database …
Modelling of masonry infill walls participation in the seismic behaviour of RC buildings using OpenSees
Recent earthquakes show that masonry infill walls should be taken into account during the
design and assessment process of structures, since this type of non-structural elements …
design and assessment process of structures, since this type of non-structural elements …
[LIBRO][B] Seismic evaluation of reinforced concrete buildings including effects of masonry infill walls
SA Hashemi - 2007 - search.proquest.com
A comprehensive study to evaluate the seismic performance of reinforced concrete (RC)
buildings including unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls is outlined. The study is …
buildings including unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls is outlined. The study is …
Development of seismic fragility surfaces for reinforced concrete buildings by means of nonlinear time‐history analysis
Fragility curves are generally developed using a single parameter to relate the level of
shaking to the expected structural damage. The main goal of this work is to use several …
shaking to the expected structural damage. The main goal of this work is to use several …
Seismic fragility of lightly reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills
Seismic fragility of lightly reinforced concrete frames with masonry infills is assessed through
numerical simulations considering uncertainty in ground motion and building materials. To …
numerical simulations considering uncertainty in ground motion and building materials. To …
[PDF][PDF] Structural vulnerability assessment under natural hazards: a review
The state of the art is presented in the field of structural vulnerability assessment under
earthquake, landslide, tsunami and wind hazards. We seek common avenues of research …
earthquake, landslide, tsunami and wind hazards. We seek common avenues of research …