RDPC: secure cloud storage with deduplication technique
Using cloud data clients may transfer data from their computer systems to cloud servers.
Hence, user will not have any burden of maintenance and also he gets high quality data …
Hence, user will not have any burden of maintenance and also he gets high quality data …
A review on various data sharing strategies for privacy of cloud storage
AV Deorankar, KT Khobragade - 2020 Fourth International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud technology us one of the resourceful technologies that leads to business
advancement, where it realizes amazing outcomes in a brief span. Researchers confide …
advancement, where it realizes amazing outcomes in a brief span. Researchers confide …
An insight into decisive factors in cloud provider selection with a focus on security
S Pape, J Stankovic - … , SECPRE, SPOSE, and ADIoT, Luxembourg City …, 2020 - Springer
In the last ten years cloud computing has developed from a buzz word to the new computing
paradigm on a global scale. Computing power or storage capacity can be bought and …
paradigm on a global scale. Computing power or storage capacity can be bought and …
A novel three-tier SQLi detection and mitigation scheme for cloud environments
W Rajeh, A Abed - 2017 International Conference on Electrical …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing is undoubtedly considered one of the most discussed topics in recent
times, both in the research and business sectors. Various schools of thought have attempted …
times, both in the research and business sectors. Various schools of thought have attempted …
Improving cloud security by enhancing remote data integrity checking algorithm
S Suganya, PMDR Vincent - 2017 Innovations in Power and …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing is a type of Internet based computing that provides shared computer
processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Nowadays …
processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Nowadays …
A survey on data auditing approaches to preserve privacy and data integrity in cloud computing
V Kavya, R Sumathi, AN Shwetha - Sustainable Communication Networks …, 2020 - Springer
Cloud computing is recognized as one of the prominent and rapid growing technologies in
this contemporary world. Cloud allows the users to store the data without any physical …
this contemporary world. Cloud allows the users to store the data without any physical …
[PDF][PDF] Competitive Analysis for the Auditing Cloud Consistency
R Ashtagi, JR Maranur, A Akkalkot, SM Madiwal… - 2022 - academia.edu
Cloud storage is one of the service of cloud comput-ing. Cloud storage services are
commercially popular because to their advantages. It allows data owners to move data from …
commercially popular because to their advantages. It allows data owners to move data from …
[PDF][PDF] Survey on Multi keyword Ranked Search Scheme over Encrypted Data
VJ Gondil, HA Hingoliwala - 2021 - academia.edu
In recent years, the advancements and the fame of cloud computing are increasing which is
actuating the data owners to keep their personal and professional data on public cloud …
actuating the data owners to keep their personal and professional data on public cloud …
Smart Healthcare Systems: The Impact of IoT on Medical Diagnostics and Treatment
M Manwal - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY, 2019 - it-in-industry.org
The rapid advancement of technology has led to the development of the Internet of Things
(IoT), which is revolutionizing various sectors, including healthcare. Smart healthcare …
(IoT), which is revolutionizing various sectors, including healthcare. Smart healthcare …
Iot In Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities for Improved Patient Outcomes
S Chattopadhyay - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN INDUSTRY, 2019 - it-in-industry.org
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a promising technology to revolutionize
healthcare by transforming the way medical services are delivered, improving patient …
healthcare by transforming the way medical services are delivered, improving patient …