Effect asymmetry of diffraction efficiency in LC cells with different command surfaces
We report the new results on the measurements of diffraction efficiency in liquid crystal (LC)
cells with different orienting surfaces in the presence of a DC electric field. Diffraction …
cells with different orienting surfaces in the presence of a DC electric field. Diffraction …
Faster nonlinear optical response in liquid crystal cells containing gold nano-island films
We are considering a new type of electro-optical liquid crystal (LC) cells, which includes a
gold nano-island film deposited on the ITO electrode of one of the cell substrates. Using the …
gold nano-island film deposited on the ITO electrode of one of the cell substrates. Using the …
Recording of dynamic and permanent gratings in composite LC cells containing gold nano-island films
The nonlinear optical properties of composite liquid crystal (LC) cells containing gold nano-
island film (AuNIF) deposited on one of the cell substrates are studied with the help of …
island film (AuNIF) deposited on one of the cell substrates are studied with the help of …
Kinetics of dynamic refractive index gratings in nematic liquid crystals in spatially inhomogeneous electric fields
S Bugaychuk, V Mystetskyi - Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The kinetics of director reorientation in a nematic LC cell and the corresponding change in
the extraordinary refractive index for a transmitted light are calculated. The simulation is …
the extraordinary refractive index for a transmitted light are calculated. The simulation is …
[PDF][PDF] Керування інтенсивністю лазерного випромінювання у рідкокристалічних вентилях при записі об'ємної динамічної ґратки
V Mystetskyi, S Bugaychuk - Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2023 - ujp.bitp.kiev.ua
Експериментальнi дослiдження номiнально чистих нематичних рiдких кристалiв (НРК)
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …
Експериментальнi дослiдження номiнально чистих нематичних рiдких кристалiв (НРК)
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …
[PDF][PDF] Electro-Optical Properties of Hybrid LC Materials Containing Photo-Controlled Inorganic-Organic Interface
S Bugaychuk, Y Kurioz, A Gridyakina, J Parka… - researchgate.net
Hybrid liquid crystal (HLC) materials have been proposed by us recently [1-3]. Their feature
is the inorganic-organic interface formed on the substrate of the HLC cell, where the …
is the inorganic-organic interface formed on the substrate of the HLC cell, where the …
[PDF][PDF] The effect of surface plasmon resonance to reduce the time constants in the inorganic/organic interface
V Styopkin, A Polishchuk - iop.kiev.ua
Methods and Results: Gold film was developed on ITO surface by the vacuum thermal
evaporation. Than it was heated at 550 oC for 1h in air. The size of gold nanoparticles …
evaporation. Than it was heated at 550 oC for 1h in air. The size of gold nanoparticles …