Effect asymmetry of diffraction efficiency in LC cells with different command surfaces

Y Kurioz, S Bugaychuk, S Kredentser… - … Crystals and Liquid …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We report the new results on the measurements of diffraction efficiency in liquid crystal (LC)
cells with different orienting surfaces in the presence of a DC electric field. Diffraction …

Faster nonlinear optical response in liquid crystal cells containing gold nano-island films

S Bugaychuk, L Viduta, A Gridyakina, H Bordyuh… - Applied …, 2020 - Springer
We are considering a new type of electro-optical liquid crystal (LC) cells, which includes a
gold nano-island film deposited on the ITO electrode of one of the cell substrates. Using the …

Recording of dynamic and permanent gratings in composite LC cells containing gold nano-island films

S Bugaychuk, S Kredentser, Y Kurioz… - … Crystals and Liquid …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
The nonlinear optical properties of composite liquid crystal (LC) cells containing gold nano-
island film (AuNIF) deposited on one of the cell substrates are studied with the help of …

Kinetics of dynamic refractive index gratings in nematic liquid crystals in spatially inhomogeneous electric fields

S Bugaychuk, V Mystetskyi - Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The kinetics of director reorientation in a nematic LC cell and the corresponding change in
the extraordinary refractive index for a transmitted light are calculated. The simulation is …

[PDF][PDF] Керування інтенсивністю лазерного випромінювання у рідкокристалічних вентилях при записі об'ємної динамічної ґратки

V Mystetskyi, S Bugaychuk - Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 2023 - ujp.bitp.kiev.ua
Експериментальнi дослiдження номiнально чистих нематичних рiдких кристалiв (НРК)
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …


Експериментальнi дослiдження номiнально чистих нематичних рiдких кристалiв (НРК)
пiдтверджують запис динамiчних голографiчних ґраток у комiрках як з гомеотропною …

[PDF][PDF] Electro-Optical Properties of Hybrid LC Materials Containing Photo-Controlled Inorganic-Organic Interface

S Bugaychuk, Y Kurioz, A Gridyakina, J Parka… - researchgate.net
Hybrid liquid crystal (HLC) materials have been proposed by us recently [1-3]. Their feature
is the inorganic-organic interface formed on the substrate of the HLC cell, where the …

[PDF][PDF] The effect of surface plasmon resonance to reduce the time constants in the inorganic/organic interface

V Styopkin, A Polishchuk - iop.kiev.ua
Methods and Results: Gold film was developed on ITO surface by the vacuum thermal
evaporation. Than it was heated at 550 oC for 1h in air. The size of gold nanoparticles …