Gastrointestinal bleeding from Dieulafoy's lesion: clinical presentation, endoscopic findings, and endoscopic therapy

B Nojkov, MS Cappell - World journal of gastrointestinal …, 2015 -
Although relatively uncommon, Dieulafoy's lesion is an important cause of acute
gastrointestinal bleeding due to the frequent difficulty in its diagnosis; its tendency to cause …

Small bowel bleeding: cause and the role of endoscopy and medical therapy

SC Zammit, R Sidhu - Current opinion in gastroenterology, 2018 -
SBCE is useful in determining the cause of small bowel bleeding. DAE offers an endoscopic
therapeutic approach to small bowel bleeding replacing surgery and intraoperative …

Small bowel Dieulafoy lesions: An uncommon cause of obscure bleeding in cirrhosis

G Holleran, M Hussey… - World Journal of …, 2016 -
Dieulafoy lesions (DLs) are an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, accounting for
up to 2% of cases overall. They are largely under recognised and difficult to treat. Up to 95 …

[HTML][HTML] Two cases of ileal dieulafoy lesion with massive hematochezia treated by single balloon enteroscopy

YC Choi, SH Park, BW Bang, KS Kwon… - Clinical …, 2012 -
Ileal Dieulafoy lesion is an unusual vascular abnormality that can cause gastrointestinal
bleeding. It can be associated with massive, life-threatening hemorrhage and requires …

Dieulafoy's lesion: pathology, diagnosis and treatment

S Treesaranuwattana, C Khemtai - The Thai Journal of Surgery, 2002 -
Background: Dieulafoy's lesion is un common cause of a cute gastrointestinal bleeding
which is potentially life threatening if unrecognized. It may be overlooked during endoscopy …

Особенности выявления и дифференциальная диагностика рака желудка, пути совершенствования. Клиническое наблюдение

КА Великолуг, ВВ Филиппов, АЮ Пайков - … общества специалистов по …, 2019 -
Цель наблюдения. Продемонстрировать необходимость эффективного использования
современных комплексных подходов в диагностике, лечении и канцеропревенции …

Болезнь Дьелафуа

ТГ Данилова, ОВ Синицина, ЕВ Данилова… - Российский журнал …, 2007 -
В обзоре литературы представлена информация об этиологии, патогенезе, клинике,
лечении болезни Дьелафуа. Изложены клинические, эндоскопические …

Ileal Dieulafoy Lesion: a rare case report

A Jain, M Karegar, A Joshi, A Rojekar - Surgical and Experimental …, 2018 - Springer
Background Dieulafoy lesion, also known as calibre persistent artery is a rare cause of
massive GI bleeding. It's an abnormal sub-mucosal artery protruding from a minute mucosal …

Treatment of ileal Dieulafoy's lesion by hemostatic clips under double-balloon enteroscopy: a case report

C Gao, X Guo, H Li, H Chen, Z Gao… - Translational …, 2022 -
Background Small intestinal Dieulafoy's lesion (DL) is a rare cause of life-threatening
gastrointestinal bleeding. Based on previous case reports, the diagnostic approaches for DL …

血管内留置コイルを指標として部分切除を行った小腸 Dieulafoy 血管奇形の 1 例

今村直哉, 前原直樹, 佛坂**幸, 千々岩一男 - 日本臨床外科学会雑誌, 2007 -
抄録 下血を主訴とし, 術前血管造影検査と病変部へのコイルの留置が出血源の診断および術中の
病変同定に有用であった, 稀な小腸 Dieulafoy 血管奇形の 1 切除例を経験したので報告する …