Family systems and ecological perspectives on the impact of deployment on military families
The scope of sustained military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan has placed great
demands on the Armed Forces of the United States, and accordingly, military families have …
demands on the Armed Forces of the United States, and accordingly, military families have …
Military service member and veteran reintegration: A critical review and adapted ecological model.
Returning military service members and veterans (MSMVs) experience a wide range of
stress-related disorders in addition to social and occupational difficulties when reintegrating …
stress-related disorders in addition to social and occupational difficulties when reintegrating …
Relational turbulence theory: Explaining variation in subjective experiences and communication within romantic relationships
This essay extends the relational turbulence model as a framework for understanding
communication in romantic relationships. Following the relational turbulence model …
communication in romantic relationships. Following the relational turbulence model …
Dyadic co** and discrete emotions during COVID-19: Connecting the communication theory of resilience with relational uncertainty
The current study applies the communication theory of resilience (CTR) to assess married
individuals' utilization of resilience communication during the first wave of the COVID-19 …
individuals' utilization of resilience communication during the first wave of the COVID-19 …
In their own words: How clinical depression affects romantic relationships
This study adopts an inductive and dyadic approach to illuminate how depression affects
romantic relationships in people's own words. Depressed couples (N= 135) responded to an …
romantic relationships in people's own words. Depressed couples (N= 135) responded to an …
Spousal interference and relational turbulence during the COVID-19 pandemic
ABSTRACT Relational Turbulence Theory proposes that when romantic partners interrupt
everyday routines in response to transitions, affective arousal will be heightened in the form …
everyday routines in response to transitions, affective arousal will be heightened in the form …
Exploring a contextual model of sexual self-disclosure and sexual satisfaction
RD Brown, DJ Weigel - The Journal of Sex Research, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Sexual self-disclosure is a critical component of relationship and sexual satisfaction, yet little
is known about the mechanisms that facilitate a person's engagement in sexual self …
is known about the mechanisms that facilitate a person's engagement in sexual self …
Depression among military spouses: Demographic, military, and service member psychological health risk factors
Background More than a decade of war has strained service members and their families and
the psychological health of military spouses is a concern. This study uses data from the …
the psychological health of military spouses is a concern. This study uses data from the …
Relational turbulence and the post-deployment transition: Self, partner, and relationship focused turbulence
This study applied the relational turbulence model to the communication of US service
members and at-home partners following the return from a tour of duty by evaluating three …
members and at-home partners following the return from a tour of duty by evaluating three …
Applying the relational turbulence model to the empty-nest transition: Sources of relationship change, relational uncertainty, and interference from partners
This study employs the relational turbulence model to identify common issues facing married
couples during the transition to the empty-nest phase of marriage. We surveyed 100 …
couples during the transition to the empty-nest phase of marriage. We surveyed 100 …