Understanding polaritonic chemistry from ab initio quantum electrodynamics

M Ruggenthaler, D Sidler, A Rubio - Chemical Reviews, 2023 - ACS Publications
In this review, we present the theoretical foundations and first-principles frameworks to
describe quantum matter within quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the low-energy regime …

Near-field enhancement of optical second harmonic generation in hybrid gold–lithium niobate nanostructures

RF Ali, JA Busche, S Kamal, DJ Masiello… - Light: Science & …, 2023 - nature.com
Nanophotonics research has focused recently on the ability of nonlinear optical processes to
mediate and transform optical signals in a myriad of novel devices, including optical …

Nonperturbative mass renormalization effects in nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics

DM Welakuh, V Rokaj, M Ruggenthaler, A Rubio - Physical Review Research, 2025 - APS
In this work we investigate the effects that multimode photonic environments, eg, optical
cavities, have on the properties of quantum matter. We highlight the importance of the …

Tunable nonlinearity and efficient harmonic generation from a strongly coupled light–matter system

DM Welakuh, P Narang - ACS Photonics, 2023 - ACS Publications
Strong light–matter coupling within electromagnetic environments provides a promising path
to modify and control chemical and physical processes. The origin of the enhancement of …

Frequency-dependent Sternheimer linear-response formalism for strongly coupled light–matter systems

DM Welakuh, J Flick, M Ruggenthaler… - Journal of Chemical …, 2022 - ACS Publications
The rapid progress in quantum-optical experiments, especially in the field of cavity quantum
electrodynamics and nanoplasmonics, allows one to substantially modify and control …

Cavity induced collective behavior in the polaritonic ground state

V Rokaj, SI Mistakidis, HR Sadeghpour - SciPost Physics, 2023 - scipost.org
Cavity quantum electrodynamics provides an ideal platform to engineer and control light-
matter interactions with polariton quasiparticles. In this work, we investigate collective …

Nonlinear optical processes in centrosymmetric systems by cavity-induced symmetry breaking

DM Welakuh, P Narang - ACS Photonics, 2024 - ACS Publications
Nonlinear optical processes associated with even-order nonlinear susceptibilities are critical
for both classical and quantum technologies. Inversion symmetry, however, prevents …

Multiphoton-dressed Rydberg excitations in a microwave cavity with ultracold Rb atoms

JDM Kondo, ST Rittenhouse, DV Magalhaes, V Rokaj… - Physical Review A, 2024 - APS
We investigate magneto-optical trap-loss spectroscopy of Rydberg excited Rb 85 (66≤ n≤
68 S 1/2) atoms, placed inside a tailored microwave cavity. The cavity frequency at 13.053 …

Cavity-mediated molecular entanglement and generation of non-classical states of light

DM Welakuh, S Tserkis, SE Smart… - The Journal of Physical …, 2024 - ACS Publications
The generation and control of entanglement in a quantum mechanical system are critical
elements of nearly all quantum applications. Molecular systems are promising candidates …

Dynamical generation and transfer of nonclassical states in strongly interacting light-matter systems in cavities

I Tutunnikov, V Rokaj, J Cao… - Quantum Science and …, 2025 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose leveraging strong and ultrastrong light-matter coupling to efficiently generate
and exchange nonclassical light and quantum matter states. Two initial conditions are …