Diversification increases the resilience of European grassland‐based systems but is not a one‐size‐fits‐all strategy
Diversification of grassland‐based systems is highly valued in agroecology, organic farming
and other forms of regenerative agriculture. For lowlands, mountain and Mediterranean …
and other forms of regenerative agriculture. For lowlands, mountain and Mediterranean …
Diversification of an integrated crop-livestock system: Agroecological and food production assessment at farm scale
T Puech, F Stark - Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Mixed farming systems are of interest in the search for sustainability because of their species
diversity and the potential for synergy from integrating crops with livestock. However, their …
diversity and the potential for synergy from integrating crops with livestock. However, their …
[HTML][HTML] Designing diversified crop rotations to advance sustainability: A method and an application
Diversified crop rotations are considered key to solving sustainability issues with modern
farming but trade-offs often occur among different sustainability objectives. It remains a …
farming but trade-offs often occur among different sustainability objectives. It remains a …
High work satisfaction despite high workload among European organic mixed livestock farmers: a mixed-method approach
L Schanz, B Oehen, M Benoit, G Bernes… - Agronomy for …, 2023 - Springer
Organic mixed livestock farming offers a range of potential benefits for the environment. Due
to the diversification of enterprises, this farming system can be associated with a high …
to the diversification of enterprises, this farming system can be associated with a high …
[HTML][HTML] Bright spots of agroecology in the Netherlands: A spatial analysis of agroecological practices and income stability
Context Agroecological practices are known to reduce environmental pressure of farming
systems and increase food system resilience in tropical regions. In contrast, in the temperate …
systems and increase food system resilience in tropical regions. In contrast, in the temperate …
[HTML][HTML] Circularity and livestock diversity: Pathways to sustainability in intensive pig farming regions
CONTEXT Intensive pig farming is challenged by high environmental impacts and
dependence on outsourced inputs. Circular feeding strategies to improve nutrient cycling …
dependence on outsourced inputs. Circular feeding strategies to improve nutrient cycling …
Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment
CONTEXT Farm general resilience, ie capacity to deal with the unknown, uncertainty and
surprise, is increasingly considered a must in today's uncertain and changing context. To …
surprise, is increasingly considered a must in today's uncertain and changing context. To …
Identifying nutrition-sensitive development options in Madagascar through a positive deviance approach
AS Rafanomezantsoa, C Coral, N Randrianarison… - Food Security, 2023 - Springer
Context-adapted interventions are needed to alleviate the burden of food and nutrition
insecurity on resource-poor rural households in southeastern Madagascar. The Positive …
insecurity on resource-poor rural households in southeastern Madagascar. The Positive …
Interactions between animal enterprises and marketing strategies shape organic multispecies farming systems
One of the key ways to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems is through
diversification, taking advantage of synergies between farm enterprises. Among diversified …
diversification, taking advantage of synergies between farm enterprises. Among diversified …
[HTML][HTML] A Promising Niche: Current State of Knowledge on the Agroecological Contribution of Alternative Livestock Farming Practices
Agroecology is increasingly used to study the evolution of farms and food systems, in which
livestock plays a significant part. While large-scale specialized livestock farms are …
livestock plays a significant part. While large-scale specialized livestock farms are …