A multidimensional approach to measuring economic insecurity: the case of Chile
J Prieto - Social Indicators Research, 2022 - Springer
This paper proposes a strategy to measure economic insecurity in countries in the Global
South. It builds a'Multidimensional Economic Insecurity Index'(MEII) that combines four …
South. It builds a'Multidimensional Economic Insecurity Index'(MEII) that combines four …
Universidade e protesto social: uma reflexão do Chile
Universidade e protesto social: uma reflexão do Chile. Rev. iberoam. educ. super [online] …
Universidade e protesto social: uma reflexão do Chile. Rev. iberoam. educ. super [online] …
Social inequalities in Argentina and Chile: a comparative analysis of welfare models, labour policies, and occupational trajectories from a biographical perspective
The article analyses the configurations of social inequality in Argentina and Chile between
2000 and 2019 through a comparative biographical approach that combines three …
2000 and 2019 through a comparative biographical approach that combines three …
[PDF][PDF] The Construction of a Political Actor in a Post-Dictatorship and Neoliberal Context: Persistence, Success, and Challenges of the Chilean Student Movement …
This chapter analyzes the trajectory of the university student movement in post-dictatorial
Chile (1990–2020), focusing on its main milestones, demands, and tactics. 1 We relate this …
Chile (1990–2020), focusing on its main milestones, demands, and tactics. 1 We relate this …
Towards a causal link between food insecurity and buy-now-pay-later use by young Australians
Purpose This paper aims to understand if buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) services, a digital type
of credit that targets young consumers, acts as a protective or a risk factor for food insecurity …
of credit that targets young consumers, acts as a protective or a risk factor for food insecurity …
부채에 따른 청년의 노동시장 이행궤적 분석
이용호, 이원익 - 한국사회복지학, 2022 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구의 목적은 청년층의 노동시장 이행궤적을 유형화하고, 이에 대한 부채의 영향을
살펴보는 것이다. 청년층은 학자금, 생활비, 주거비 등 다양한 이유로 부채를 갖게 되며, 상환 …
살펴보는 것이다. 청년층은 학자금, 생활비, 주거비 등 다양한 이유로 부채를 갖게 되며, 상환 …
[HTML][HTML] School achievement in childhood and financial indebtedness in young adulthood–Direct effect, indirect effects, or both?
Y Rojas - International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2022 - Elsevier
This study set out to explore whether financial indebtedness in young adulthood in Sweden
can be traced back to school achievement. The study group consisted of young adults aged …
can be traced back to school achievement. The study group consisted of young adults aged …
금융기술 불법화 과정에서의 부채 경험과 의미: 광주지역'내구제대출'청년 피해자를 중심으로
이소영, 추주희 - 문화와 사회, 2024 - dbpia.co.kr
이 연구는 '내구제대출'피해 청년들의 금융 경험을 통해, 경제적으로 취약한 위치에 있는
청년들의 삶이 부채로 재편되는 과정을 분석하였다.'내구제대출'은 나를 스스로 구제하는 …
청년들의 삶이 부채로 재편되는 과정을 분석하였다.'내구제대출'은 나를 스스로 구제하는 …
[HTML][HTML] Ongoing Protests in Chile-The Chilean Society is ready for real Democracy
C Hölzl - Ongoing Protests in Chile-The Chilean Society Is …, 2020 - societyandspace.org
n October 18, the Chilean government announced that metro fares in Santiago de Chile
would increase by thirty pesos (about four US-cents) during peak hours. High-school …
would increase by thirty pesos (about four US-cents) during peak hours. High-school …
Investigating the attitudes of young employed graduates towards debt management
J Sibanda - 2021 - repository.nwu.ac.za
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitudes of young employed graduates
towards debt management. Literature has observed that young graduates in emerging …
towards debt management. Literature has observed that young graduates in emerging …