Study on IoT networks with the combined use of wireless power transmission and solar energy harvesting
The efficiency of Internet of Things (IoT) mobile networks is limited by the battery's capacity
in IoT devices. In addition to their replacement/recharge problem, batteries delimit devices' …
in IoT devices. In addition to their replacement/recharge problem, batteries delimit devices' …
Energy harvesting in self-sustainable IoT devices and applications based on cross-layer architecture design: A survey
Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) is envisioned to become a driving force in the evolution
of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks, autonomous continuous monitoring and control …
of fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks, autonomous continuous monitoring and control …
Ergodic throughput maximization for RIS-equipped-UAV-enabled wireless powered communications with outdated CSI
This paper investigates a reconfigurable intelligent surface equipped unmanned aerial
vehicle (RISeUAV)-enabled wireless powered communication network (WPCN) consisting …
vehicle (RISeUAV)-enabled wireless powered communication network (WPCN) consisting …
Balancing the trade-off between cost and reliability for wireless sensor networks: a multi-objective optimized deployment method
The deployment of the sensor nodes (SNs) always plays a decisive role in the system
performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this work, we propose an optimal …
performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this work, we propose an optimal …
Sensor system: a Survey of sensor Type, Ad Hoc network Topology and energy harvesting techniques
PD Nguyen, L Kim - Electronics, 2021 - mdpi.com
People nowadays are entering an era of rapid evolution due to the generation of massive
amounts of data. Such information is produced with an enormous contribution from the use …
amounts of data. Such information is produced with an enormous contribution from the use …
Breaking the boundaries of aerial networks with charging stations
Considering that cities are typically divided in residential and business districts, massive
population migrations between different areas introduce considerable discrepancies in the …
population migrations between different areas introduce considerable discrepancies in the …
Energy harvesting in 5G networks: Taxonomy, requirements, challenges, and future directions
Consciousness of energy saving is increasing in fifth-generation (5G) wireless networks due
to the high energy consumption issue. Energy harvesting technology is a possible appealing …
to the high energy consumption issue. Energy harvesting technology is a possible appealing …
EDB‐CHS‐BOF: energy and distance‐based cluster head selection with balanced objective function protocol
KA Darabkh, JN Zomot, Z Al‐qudah - Iet Communications, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
In this research, two novel cluster head selection protocols are proposed, namely, Energy
and Distance Based Cluster Head Selection (EDB‐CHS) and EDB‐CHS with Balanced …
and Distance Based Cluster Head Selection (EDB‐CHS) and EDB‐CHS with Balanced …
[PDF][PDF] Smart water solution for monitoring of water usage based on weather condition
Conservation of water in urban areas is an ongoing challenge in which technology like IoT
and WSN is playing a very crucial role. Studies show that 54% of India is facing absolute …
and WSN is playing a very crucial role. Studies show that 54% of India is facing absolute …
[PDF][PDF] An efficient energy saving scheme through sorting technique for wireless sensor network
The role of a sensor is to sense and gather the information from both remote and domestic
zones. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is still emerging to exploit its uses in new extents …
zones. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is still emerging to exploit its uses in new extents …