Agriculture waste valorisation as a source of antioxidant phenolic compounds within a circular and sustainable bioeconomy
Planet globalization, population growth and its consequent need to produce large amounts
of food, or individual economic benefits and the prioritization of this over environment health …
of food, or individual economic benefits and the prioritization of this over environment health …
Knowledge domain and emerging trends of agricultural waste management in the field of social science: A scientometric review
K He, J Zhang, Y Zeng - Science of the total environment, 2019 - Elsevier
Many studies have been conducted on agricultural waste management, especially review
articles; however, there are few literature analyses from the scientometric and bibliometric …
articles; however, there are few literature analyses from the scientometric and bibliometric …
Straw return strategies to improve soil properties and crop productivity in a winter wheat-summer maize crop** system
H Cui, Y Luo, J Chen, M **, Y Li, Z Wang - European Journal of Agronomy, 2022 - Elsevier
Crop straw return is widely implemented in winter wheat and summer maize rotation
systems. Nevertheless, research characterizing how different straw return methods affect soil …
systems. Nevertheless, research characterizing how different straw return methods affect soil …
Root exudates and rhizosphere soil bacterial relationships of Nitraria tangutorum are linked to k-strategists bacterial community under salt stress
Y Pan, P Kang, M Tan, J Hu, Y Zhang… - Frontiers in Plant …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
When plants are subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses, the root system responds
actively by secreting different types and amounts of bioactive compounds, while affects the …
actively by secreting different types and amounts of bioactive compounds, while affects the …
The divergent role of straw return in soil O2 dynamics elucidates its confounding effect on soil N2O emission
H Wei, Y Li, K Zhu, X Ju, D Wu - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2024 - Elsevier
The divergent effects of straw returns on nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions from soil require
elucidation of the underlying mechanisms and factors that explain the inconsistency in in …
elucidation of the underlying mechanisms and factors that explain the inconsistency in in …
Effect on greenhouse gas emissions (CH4 and N2O) of straw mulching or its incorporation in farmland ecosystems in China
T Huang, S Wen, M Zhang, Y Pan, X Chen, X Pu… - Sustainable Production …, 2024 - Elsevier
Straw returning can enhance crop yield, promote soil organic carbon sequestration, and
support sustainable crop production. However, straw management techniques, such as …
support sustainable crop production. However, straw management techniques, such as …
Effects of climate change on geotechnical infrastructures—state of the art
Geotechnical infrastructures, like slopes and embankments, retaining walls, foundations,
engineered landfills, overburden dumps, and pavements, get continuously exposed to …
engineered landfills, overburden dumps, and pavements, get continuously exposed to …
Linking above and belowground carbon sequestration, soil organic matter properties, and soil health in Brazilian Atlantic Forest restoration
Forest restoration mitigates climate change by removing CO 2 and storing C in terrestrial
ecosystems. However, incomplete information on C storage in restored tropical forests often …
ecosystems. However, incomplete information on C storage in restored tropical forests often …
Effects of biochar, compost and straw input on root exudation of maize (Zea mays L.): From function to morphology
C Sun, D Wang, X Shen, C Li, J Liu, T Lan… - Agriculture, Ecosystems …, 2020 - Elsevier
Returning crop straw, such as biochar, into the field is increasingly recognized as a valid,
environmentally-friendly agricultural strategy to improve soil quality, increase crop yields …
environmentally-friendly agricultural strategy to improve soil quality, increase crop yields …
Innovative incentives can sustainably enhance the achievement of straw burning control in China
With the raising awareness of environmental protection, straw burning ban has been
implemented to control straw burning phenomenon in China. It has received significant …
implemented to control straw burning phenomenon in China. It has received significant …