[PDF][PDF] Relationship marketing and customer loyalty: do customer satisfaction and customer trust really serve as intervening variables?

M Rizan, A Warokka, D Listyawati - Journal of Marketing Research & …, 2014 - academia.edu
To contend the traditional transaction marketing, which focuses on the completion of the
transaction and the pursuit of maximizing profits for each transaction, the relationship …

[КНИГА][B] Banks in Indonesia

B Indonesia - 1983 - academia.edu
Machine Translated by Google Page 1 Machine Translated by Google Page 2 Dilarang
mengutip, mereproduksi, dan menerjemahkan sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini tanpa izin …

[HTML][HTML] The efficiency of Indonesian commercial banks: does the banking industry competition matter?

S Sari, SR Ajija, W Wasiaturrahma, RAR Ahmad - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study examines the effect of banking industry competition on the efficiency of
commercial banks in Indonesia from 2010 to 2019. First, using data envelopment analysis …

Foreign participation and banking competition: Evidence from the Indonesian banking industry

T Mulyaningsih, A Daly, R Miranti - Journal of Financial Stability, 2015 - Elsevier
Foreign participation in Indonesian banking has expanded from the establishment of foreign
de novo banks into the acquisition of existing local banks. The increase in foreign …

Pengaruh konsentrasi dan pangsa pasar terhadap pengambilan resiko bank

STN Hendra, DD Hartomo - Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen (Journal …, 2017 - jurnal.uns.ac.id
This study aimed to examine the effect of concentration (Herfindahl index, concentration
ratio) and market share (Market Share) torisk taking (Zscore) on go public banks in …

[PDF][PDF] Determinants of profitability in banking industry: A case study of Indonesia

S Jumono, CMF Mala - Asian Economic and Financial …, 2019 - digilib.esaunggul.ac.id
Contribution/Originality: This study contributes to the existing literature since the
determinants of banking profitability are seen holistically in this study. Based on Structure …

Competitive condition and market power of Islamic banks in Indonesia

M Abduh - International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the competitive conditions and market
power of Islamic banks in Indonesia for the period of 2006-2013. Design/methodology …

Competition, independent commissioner, risk disclosure and financial performance

R Zulfikar, N Lukviarman, D Suhardjanto… - Review of Integrative …, 2017 - eprints.untirta.ac.id
This study aimed to provided empirical evidence of the competitive effects and independent
directors on the financial performance, with risk disclosure as an intervening variable. This …

[HTML][HTML] Financial Crises and Business Cycle Implications for Islamic and Non-Islamic Bank Lending in Indonesia

S Issa - Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2022 - mdpi.com
This paper addresses if and how excess debt can be considered as an early warning signal
for banks and takes an additional dimension by comparing the excess leverage between …

Analisis efisiensi industri perbankan Indonesia setelah merger dan akuisisi: Pendekatan data envelopment analysis

YH Sipangkar, ED Sihaloho - Jurnal Manajemen Maranatha, 2020 - journal.maranatha.edu
This article determines the factor that influences bank efficiency after mergers and
acquisitions. The efficiency calculation uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach …