The antecedents and consequences of human behavioral mimicry
Behavioral mimicry—the automatic imitation of gestures, postures, mannerisms, and other
motor movements—is pervasive in human interactions. The current review focuses on two …
motor movements—is pervasive in human interactions. The current review focuses on two …
Implicit social cognition: From measures to mechanisms
Most human cognition occurs outside conscious awareness or conscious control. Some of
these implicit processes influence social perception, judgment and action. The past 15 years …
these implicit processes influence social perception, judgment and action. The past 15 years …
Social top-down response modulation (STORM): a model of the control of mimicry in social interaction
As a distinct feature of human social interactions, spontaneous mimicry has been widely
investigated in the past decade. Research suggests that mimicry is a subtle and flexible …
investigated in the past decade. Research suggests that mimicry is a subtle and flexible …
Reduced mimicry to virtual reality avatars in autism spectrum disorder
Mimicry involves unconsciously copying the actions of others. Increasing evidence suggests
that autistic people can copy the goal of an observed action but show differences in their …
that autistic people can copy the goal of an observed action but show differences in their …
The echo effect: The power of verbal mimicry to influence prosocial behavior
Research on the chameleon effect has demonstrated that social benefits, such as liking,
safety, rapport, affiliation, and cohesion can be evoked through nonverbal imitation (eg …
safety, rapport, affiliation, and cohesion can be evoked through nonverbal imitation (eg …
When beauty helps and when it hurts: An organizational context model of attractiveness discrimination in selection decisions
We propose and test a theory explaining how and why decision makers engage in
attractiveness discrimination in selection decisions. We integrate status generalization with …
attractiveness discrimination in selection decisions. We integrate status generalization with …
Exploring Facebook: Attachment style and nonverbal message characteristics as predictors of anticipated emotional reactions to Facebook postings
C Fleuriet, M Cole, LK Guerrero - Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 2014 - Springer
The present study investigates people's perceived likelihood of experiencing negative
emotion in response to a potentially jealousy-inducing Facebook wall post that was …
emotion in response to a potentially jealousy-inducing Facebook wall post that was …
Male immorality: An evolutionary account of sex differences in unethical negotiation behavior
Past research has found that men negotiate more unethically than women, although many
studies report comparable rates of unethical negotiation behaviors. Based on evolutionary …
studies report comparable rates of unethical negotiation behaviors. Based on evolutionary …
Attractive chameleons sell: The mimicry‐attractiveness link
W Kulesza, Z Szypowska, MS Jarman… - Psychology & …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The present research explored the effects of nonverbal mimicry behavior and mimicker
attractiveness in a natural retail context. A 3 (nonverbal mimicry, nonmimicking …
attractiveness in a natural retail context. A 3 (nonverbal mimicry, nonmimicking …
Humans judge faces in incomplete photographs as physically more attractive
Attractive people are perceived to be healthier, wealthier, and more sociable. Yet, people
often judge the attractiveness of others based on incomplete and inaccurate facial …
often judge the attractiveness of others based on incomplete and inaccurate facial …