An extensive evaluation of search-based software testing: a review
In recent years, search-based software testing (SBST) is the active research topic in software
testing. SBST is the process of generating test cases that use metaheuristics for optimization …
testing. SBST is the process of generating test cases that use metaheuristics for optimization …
[PDF][PDF] A systematic literature study of regression test case prioritization approaches
Regression testing is about running the entire test ensemble again to ensure that
amendments do not negatively affect the system. A popular approach in regression testing is …
amendments do not negatively affect the system. A popular approach in regression testing is …
Optimal test suite selection in regression testing with testcase prioritization using modified Ann and Whale optimization algorithm
Fault detection during testing can provide faster feedback on the system under test and
permit software engineers begin correcting faults earlier. One application of prioritization …
permit software engineers begin correcting faults earlier. One application of prioritization …
A systematic literature review on test case prioritization techniques
Software Testing consumes very significant amount of time in the life cycle of software. Test
case prioritization is a way to provide priorities to test cases, to meet various testing goals …
case prioritization is a way to provide priorities to test cases, to meet various testing goals …
Use of evolutionary algorithm in regression test case prioritization: a review
Software keeps on evolving throughout its development. Regression testing plays a vital role
in maintaining the quality of software by re-executing all test cases in order to ensure that …
in maintaining the quality of software by re-executing all test cases in order to ensure that …
[PDF][PDF] Value-Based Test Case Prioritization for Regression Testing Using Genetic Algorithms.
Test Case Prioritization (TCP) techniques perform better than other regression test
optimization techniques including Test Suite Reduction (TSR) and Test Case Selection …
optimization techniques including Test Suite Reduction (TSR) and Test Case Selection …
A preliminary analysis of various testing techniques in Agile development-a systematic literature review
There are numerous software development and testing methods, tools and techniques have
emerged over the past few decades with the main objective are to enhance the software …
emerged over the past few decades with the main objective are to enhance the software …
Advances in web application testing, 2010–2014
As web applications increase in popularity, complexity, and size, approaches and tools to
automate testing the correctness of web applications must continually evolve. In this chapter …
automate testing the correctness of web applications must continually evolve. In this chapter …
A Bhanushali, S Kumar, K Patel - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF …, 2023 - lib-index.com
With regression testing, you can be confident that any modifications you made to the
software's code didn't break any pre-existing modules. The size of the test suite grows as the …
software's code didn't break any pre-existing modules. The size of the test suite grows as the …
Design of a Novel Weighted-Multicriteria Analysis Model for Effective Test Case Prioritization for Network and Robotic Projects
K Juneja - Wireless Personal Communications, 2022 - Springer
Network and real-time projects requires special and effective testing consideration before
implementing in real environment. The effective test-sequence not only reduces the actual …
implementing in real environment. The effective test-sequence not only reduces the actual …