Twenty years on: The state of contemporary ecotourism research

DB Weaver, LJ Lawton - Tourism management, 2007 - Elsevier
The ecotourism literature is focused on market segmentation, ecological impacts of wildlife
viewing, and community-based ecotourism, but there has been minimal attention to critical …

A selected review on the negative externalities of the freight transportation: Modeling and pricing

E Demir, Y Huang, S Scholts, T Van Woensel - Transportation research part …, 2015 - Elsevier
The planning of freight transportation activities creates benefits as well as costs. Among
those costs, some of them, namely externalities, fall on other people/society that have no …

An evaluation of monetary and non-monetary techniques for assessing the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to people in countries with develo** …

M Christie, I Fazey, R Cooper, T Hyde, JO Kenter - Ecological economics, 2012 - Elsevier
Biodiversity supports a range of ecosystems services that are of fundamental importance to
people in poor countries. Economic valuation of biodiversity is important for the development …

[KNIHA][B] Who cares about wildlife?

MJ Manfredo, MJ Manfredo - 2008 - Springer
Who Cares About Wildlife? | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement Springer Nature
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Ecotourism: a means to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem functions?

S Gössling - Ecological economics, 1999 - Elsevier
This paper argues that, at present, ecotourism can contribute to safeguard biodiversity and
ecosystem functions in develo** countries, even though meeting the requirements for …

Contingent valuation and revealed preference methodologies: comparing the estimates for quasi-public goods

RT Carson, NE Flores, KM Martin, JL Wright - Land economics, 1996 - JSTOR
A literature search provides 83 studies from which 616 comparisons of contingent valuation
(CV) to revealed preference (RP) estimates are made. Summary statistics of the CV/RP …

[KNIHA][B] Ecotourism: Principles and practices

R Buckley - 2009 -
Ecotourism is a useful concept, but not a very well defined one. It has been debated in
theory and attempted in practice for nearly two decades. Its key goal is to reduce the net …

[KNIHA][B] Encyclopedia of soil science

R Lal - 2006 -
" Upholding the high standard of quality set by the previous edition, this two-volume second
edition offers a vast array of recent peer-reviewed articles. It showcases research and …

Farmers' interest and willingness-to-pay for index-based crop insurance in the lowlands of Nepal

NK Budhathoki, JA Lassa, S Pun, KK Zander - Land use policy, 2019 - Elsevier
Farmers in Nepal face many risks from extreme weather events which detrimentally impact
their crop production. To support farmers in risk management, prevent financial losses, and …

Improving the link between payments and the provision of ecosystem services in agri-environment schemes

MS Reed, A Moxey, K Prager, N Hanley, J Skates… - Ecosystem Services, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper considers how agri-environment schemes under the Common Agricultural Policy
could be adapted to derive a higher return of ecosystem services, by spatially targeting the …