What lurks below the last plateau: experimental studies of the 0.7× 2e2/h conductance anomaly in one-dimensional systems
AP Micolich - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
The integer quantised conductance of one-dimensional electron systems is a well-
understood effect of quantum confinement. A number of fractionally quantised plateaus are …
understood effect of quantum confinement. A number of fractionally quantised plateaus are …
Single-hole physics in GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum dot system with strong spin–orbit interaction
There is rapidly expanding interest in exploiting the spin of valence-band holes rather than
conduction-band electrons for spin qubit semiconductor circuits composed of coupled …
conduction-band electrons for spin qubit semiconductor circuits composed of coupled …
Electrical Control of g-Factor in a Few-Hole Silicon Nanowire MOSFET
Hole spins in silicon represent a promising yet barely explored direction for solid-state
quantum computation, possibly combining long spin coherence, resulting from a reduced …
quantum computation, possibly combining long spin coherence, resulting from a reduced …
Kondo effect in a quantum dot side-coupled to a topological superconductor
We investigate the dynamical and transport features of a Kondo dot side coupled to a
topological superconductor (TS). The Majorana fermion states (MFSs) formed at the ends of …
topological superconductor (TS). The Majorana fermion states (MFSs) formed at the ends of …
Dimensional reduction of the Luttinger Hamiltonian and -factors of holes in symmetric two-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures
The spin-orbit interaction of holes in zinc-blende semiconductors is much stronger than that
of electrons. This makes the hole systems very attractive for possible spintronics …
of electrons. This makes the hole systems very attractive for possible spintronics …
Observation of spin-selective tunneling in SiGe nanocrystals
Spin-selective tunneling of holes in SiGe nanocrystals contacted by normal-metal leads is
reported. The spin selectivity arises from an interplay of the orbital effect of the magnetic field …
reported. The spin selectivity arises from an interplay of the orbital effect of the magnetic field …
SU (3) Kondo effect in spinless triple quantum dots
We discuss a device—a purely capacitively coupled interacting triple quantum dot system in
an external magnetic field—for the observation of the SU (3) Kondo effect, identified by the …
an external magnetic field—for the observation of the SU (3) Kondo effect, identified by the …
Single hole transport in a silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor quantum dot
We describe a planar silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) based single hole transistor,
which is compatible with conventional Si complementary MOS fabrication. A multi-layer gate …
which is compatible with conventional Si complementary MOS fabrication. A multi-layer gate …
Extreme sensitivity of the spin-splitting and 0.7 anomaly to confining potential in one-dimensional nanoelectronic devices
Quantum point contacts (QPCs) have shown promise as nanoscale spin-selective
components for spintronic applications and are of fundamental interest in the study of …
components for spintronic applications and are of fundamental interest in the study of …
Non-adiabatic single-electron pumps in a dopant-free GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEG
We have realized quantized charge pum** using non-adiabatic single-electron pumps in
dopant-free GaAs two-dimensional electron gases. The dopant-free III–V platform allows for …
dopant-free GaAs two-dimensional electron gases. The dopant-free III–V platform allows for …