Objectifying objectification: When and why people are cognitively reduced to their parts akin to objects
Objectification occurs when people are seen and treated similarly to things. Research on
this topic has been dominated by an interest in the content of impressions people form of …
this topic has been dominated by an interest in the content of impressions people form of …
[CARTE][B] Family communication
C Segrin, J Flora - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This third edition of Family Communication carefully examines state-of-the art research and
theories of family communication and family relationships. In addition to presenting …
theories of family communication and family relationships. In addition to presenting …
Video-based eye tracking in sex research: a systematic literature review
F Wenzlaff, P Briken, A Dekker - The Journal of Sex Research, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Although eye tracking has been used for decades, it has gained popularity in the area of sex
research only recently. The aim of this article is to examine the potential merits of eye …
research only recently. The aim of this article is to examine the potential merits of eye …
Gender-based eye movement differences in passive indoor picture viewing: An eye-tracking study
Male and female brains have different structures, which can make genders produce various
eye-movement patterns. This study presents the results of an eye tracking experiment in …
eye-movement patterns. This study presents the results of an eye tracking experiment in …
Seeing women as objects: The sexual body part recognition bias
Objectification theory suggests that the bodies of women are sometimes reduced to their
sexual body parts. As well, an extensive literature in cognitive psychology suggests that …
sexual body parts. As well, an extensive literature in cognitive psychology suggests that …
My eyes are up here: The nature of the objectifying gaze toward women
Although objectification theory suggests that women frequently experience the objectifying
gaze with many adverse consequences, there is scant research examining the nature and …
gaze with many adverse consequences, there is scant research examining the nature and …
[HTML][HTML] Coding activities for children: Coupling eye-tracking with qualitative data to investigate gender differences
Computational thinking and coding are becoming an integral part of K-12 education, with
female students being underrepresented in such subjects. The proliferation of technological …
female students being underrepresented in such subjects. The proliferation of technological …
Soft biometrics and their application in person recognition at a distance
Soft biometric information extracted from a human body (eg, height, gender, skin color, hair
color, and so on) is ancillary information easily distinguished at a distance but it is not fully …
color, and so on) is ancillary information easily distinguished at a distance but it is not fully …
Motor simulation without motor expertise: enhanced corticospinal excitability in visually experienced dance spectators
The human “mirror-system” is suggested to play a crucial role in action observation and
execution, and is characterized by activity in the premotor and parietal cortices during the …
execution, and is characterized by activity in the premotor and parietal cortices during the …
How beauty determines gaze! Facial attractiveness and gaze duration in images of real world scenes
We showed that the looking time spent on faces is a valid covariate of beauty by testing the
relation between facial attractiveness and gaze behavior. We presented natural scenes …
relation between facial attractiveness and gaze behavior. We presented natural scenes …