[HTML][HTML] Promoting circular economy transition: A study about perceptions and awareness by different stakeholders groups
Abstract The interest into Circular Economy (CE), mainly emerged recently in response to
climate change, environmental damage, and the limits of a linear economy, requires a …
climate change, environmental damage, and the limits of a linear economy, requires a …
A systematic review on green human resource management: Implications for social sustainability
VN Amrutha, SN Geetha - Journal of Cleaner production, 2020 - Elsevier
This article identifies current progressions and research gaps in Green Human Resource
Management literature and investigates the future of green practices in meeting the social …
Management literature and investigates the future of green practices in meeting the social …
Twin transitions & industry 4.0: Unpacking the relationship between digital and green factors to determine green competitive advantage
The topic of twin transition is playing a key role within the current literature. There is also
growing interest amongst researchers, managers, and policy makers to explore this …
growing interest amongst researchers, managers, and policy makers to explore this …
Impact of green HRM practices on sustainable performance: mediating role of green innovation, green culture, and green employees' behavior
The concept of sustainability in the context of human resource management (HRM), or more
precisely, green HRM, has significantly transformed in recent years. Human resources are …
precisely, green HRM, has significantly transformed in recent years. Human resources are …
Green human resource management, perceived green organizational support and their effects on hotel employees' behavioral outcomes
Purpose This paper aims to propose a research model that explores perceived green
organizational support (OS) as a mediator of the effect of green human resource …
organizational support (OS) as a mediator of the effect of green human resource …
Technological innovation, sustainable green practices and SMEs sustainable performance in times of crisis (COVID-19 pandemic)
COVID-19 restrictions significantly affected SMEs, which have faced many challenges to
their sustainability within this fragile new environment. This study proposes a holistic …
their sustainability within this fragile new environment. This study proposes a holistic …
The impact of green human resource management practices on sustainable performance in healthcare organisations: A conceptual framework
Over the past few years, organisations have faced pressure from stakeholders to adopt
environmentally friendly business practices, where it is becoming critical to identify green …
environmentally friendly business practices, where it is becoming critical to identify green …
Effect of green human resource management practices on organizational sustainability: the mediating role of environmental and employee performance
The main purpose of research was to investigate the underlying strategies for enhancing
“organizational sustainability”(OS). The study categorizes the existing literature, based on …
“organizational sustainability”(OS). The study categorizes the existing literature, based on …
Green human resource management in service industries: the construct, antecedents, consequences, and outlook
Parallel to the increased awareness of environmental issues, there has been a rapid
increase in studies focusing on Green Human Resource Management. Studies have shown …
increase in studies focusing on Green Human Resource Management. Studies have shown …
The effects of green human resource management and perceived organizational support for the environment on green and non-green hotel employee outcomes
Research about green human resource management and perceived organizational support
for the environment in the hospitality and tourism literature is in its development stage …
for the environment in the hospitality and tourism literature is in its development stage …