Wave transmission in nonlinear lattices
D Hennig, GP Tsironis - Physics Reports, 1999 - Elsevier
The interplay of nonlinearity with lattice discreteness leads to phenomena and propagation
properties quite distinct from those appearing in continuous nonlinear systems. For a large …
properties quite distinct from those appearing in continuous nonlinear systems. For a large …
Anomalous localization in low-dimensional systems with correlated disorder
This review presents a unified view on the problem of Anderson localization in one-
dimensional weakly disordered systems with short-range and long-range statistical …
dimensional weakly disordered systems with short-range and long-range statistical …
The role of aperiodic order in science and technology
E MacIá - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2005 - iopscience.iop.org
In this work we consider the role of aperiodic order in different domains of science and
technology from an interdisciplinary approach. To start with, we introduce some general …
technology from an interdisciplinary approach. To start with, we introduce some general …
Exploiting aperiodic designs in nanophotonic devices
E Macia - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2012 - iopscience.iop.org
In this work we consider the role of aperiodic order—order without periodicity—in the design
of different optical devices in one, two and three dimensions. To this end, we will first study …
of different optical devices in one, two and three dimensions. To this end, we will first study …
Experimental evidence of delocalized states in random dimer superlattices
We study the electronic properties of GaAs-AlGaAs superlattices with intentional correlated
disorder by means of photoluminescence and vertical dc resistance. The results are …
disorder by means of photoluminescence and vertical dc resistance. The results are …
[KNIHA][B] Aperiodic structures in condensed matter: fundamentals and applications
EM Barber - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
One of the Top Selling Physics Books according to YBP Library ServicesOrder can be found
in all the structures unfolding around us at different scales, including in the arrangements of …
in all the structures unfolding around us at different scales, including in the arrangements of …
Physical nature of critical wave functions in Fibonacci systems
E Maciá, F Domínguez-Adame - Physical review letters, 1996 - APS
We report on a new class of critical states in the energy spectrum of general Fibonacci
systems. By introducing a transfer matrix renormalization technique, we prove that the …
systems. By introducing a transfer matrix renormalization technique, we prove that the …
Fano interference governs wave transport in disordered systems
Light localization in disordered systems and Bragg scattering in regular periodic structures
are considered traditionally as two entirely opposite phenomena: disorder leads to …
are considered traditionally as two entirely opposite phenomena: disorder leads to …
[KNIHA][B] Quasicrystals: fundamentals and applications
E Maciá-Barber - 2020 - books.google.com
This book provides an interdisciplinary guide to quasicrystals, the 2011 Nobel Prize in
Chemistry winning topic, by presenting an up-to-date and detailed introduction to the many …
Chemistry winning topic, by presenting an up-to-date and detailed introduction to the many …
Metal-insulator transition in an aperiodic ladder network: An exact result
S Sil, SK Maiti, A Chakrabarti - Physical review letters, 2008 - APS
We prove that a tight-binding ladder network composed of atomic sites with on-site
potentials distributed according to the quasiperiodic Aubry model can exhibit a metal …
potentials distributed according to the quasiperiodic Aubry model can exhibit a metal …