Physical exercise as an epigenetic modulator of brain plasticity and cognition
A large amount of evidence has demonstrated the power of exercise to support cognitive
function, the effects of which can last for considerable time. An emerging line of scientific …
function, the effects of which can last for considerable time. An emerging line of scientific …
Histone acetylation: molecular mnemonics on the chromatin
Long-lasting memories require specific gene expression programmes that are, in part,
orchestrated by epigenetic mechanisms. Of the epigenetic modifications identified in …
orchestrated by epigenetic mechanisms. Of the epigenetic modifications identified in …
BDNF and memory processing
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor has emerged as one of the most important molecules
involved in memory. Its wide role in different types of memories that depend on different …
involved in memory. Its wide role in different types of memories that depend on different …
Epigenetic regulation of memory formation and maintenance
IB Zovkic, MC Guzman-Karlsson… - Learning & …, 2013 -
Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the formation and
maintenance of memories is a central goal of the neuroscience community. It is well …
maintenance of memories is a central goal of the neuroscience community. It is well …
Reelin and neuropsychiatric disorders
Proper neuronal migration and laminar formation during corticogenesis is essential for
normal brain function. Disruption of these developmental processes is thought to be …
normal brain function. Disruption of these developmental processes is thought to be …
Diffusible, highly bioactive oligomers represent a critical minority of soluble Aβ in Alzheimer's disease brain
Significant data suggest that soluble Aβ oligomers play an important role in Alzheimer's
disease (AD), but there is great confusion over what exactly constitutes an Aβ oligomer and …
disease (AD), but there is great confusion over what exactly constitutes an Aβ oligomer and …
An epigenetic framework for neurodevelopmental disorders: from pathogenesis to potential therapy
MJ Millan - Neuropharmacology, 2013 - Elsevier
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are characterized by aberrant and delayed early-life
development of the brain, leading to deficits in language, cognition, motor behaviour and …
development of the brain, leading to deficits in language, cognition, motor behaviour and …
Running-induced epigenetic and gene expression changes in the adolescent brain
JLB Abel, EF Rissman - International Journal of Developmental …, 2013 - Elsevier
Physical exercise is associated with positive neural functioning. Here we examined the gene
expression consequences of 1 week of voluntary wheel running in adolescent male mice …
expression consequences of 1 week of voluntary wheel running in adolescent male mice …
Differential methylation of genes in the medial prefrontal cortex of develo** and adult rats following exposure to maltreatment or nurturing care during infancy
Quality of maternal care in infancy is an important contributing factor in the development of
behavior and psychopathology. One way maternal care could affect behavioral trajectories …
behavior and psychopathology. One way maternal care could affect behavioral trajectories …
Epigenetic mechanisms of memory formation and reconsolidation
Memory consolidation involves transcriptional control of genes in neurons to stabilize a
newly formed memory. Following retrieval, a once consolidated memory destabilizes and …
newly formed memory. Following retrieval, a once consolidated memory destabilizes and …