Illuminating sustainability: a comprehensive review of the environmental life cycle and exergetic impacts of solar systems on the agri-food sector
The develo** agri-food sector significantly boosts food production and plays a crucial role
in resolving the global food crisis. This development is valuable when accompanied by …
in resolving the global food crisis. This development is valuable when accompanied by …
Environmental life cycle assessment of biodiesel production from waste cooking oil: A systematic review
Waste cooking oil (WCO) disposal in landfills or discharge into sewer systems could cause
severe environmental challenges. Therefore, extensive efforts are made to develop …
severe environmental challenges. Therefore, extensive efforts are made to develop …
[HTML][HTML] Life Cycle Assessment of construction materials: Methodologies, applications and future directions for sustainable decision-making
This review paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
methodologies applied to construction materials. It begins with an introduction highlighting …
methodologies applied to construction materials. It begins with an introduction highlighting …
The sustainability of industrial hemp: a literature review of its economic, environmental, and social sustainability
Industrial hemp is a versatile, sustainable plant with several applications of its various forms,
including fiber obtained from hemp stalks, food obtained from hemp seeds, and oil obtained …
including fiber obtained from hemp stalks, food obtained from hemp seeds, and oil obtained …
Comprehensive assessment of 2G bioethanol production
The advancements in second-generation bioethanol produced from lignocellulosic biomass,
such as crops residues, woody crops or energy grasses are gaining momentum. Though …
such as crops residues, woody crops or energy grasses are gaining momentum. Though …
[HTML][HTML] Carbon footprint of low-energy buildings in the United Kingdom: Effects of mitigating technological pathways and decarbonization strategies
There is a limited comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of adopted carbon mitigation
strategies for buildings over their life cycle, that are concerned with temporal perspectives of …
strategies for buildings over their life cycle, that are concerned with temporal perspectives of …
A systematic review of life cycle sustainability assessment: Current state, methodological challenges, and implementation issues
The life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) is a tool to assess sustainability from a life
cycle perspective, which has been receiving increased attention over the years. This work …
cycle perspective, which has been receiving increased attention over the years. This work …
Ecotoxicity characterization of chemicals: Global recommendations and implementation in USEtox
Chemicals emitted to the environment affect ecosystem health from local to global scale, and
reducing chemical impacts has become an important element of European and global …
reducing chemical impacts has become an important element of European and global …
Life cycle assessment of combustion-based electricity generation technologies integrated with carbon capture and storage: A review
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the key technology to reduce CO 2 emissions from the
conventional power systems. CCS has the flexibility, compatibility, and great potential to …
conventional power systems. CCS has the flexibility, compatibility, and great potential to …
[HTML][HTML] A review of conventional versus additive manufacturing for metals: life-cycle environmental and economic analysis
Additive manufacturing (AM) is a recent emerging technology that is being adopted in
various industry sectors and supply chains. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle …
various industry sectors and supply chains. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle …