Fluid inclusions in fibrous diamonds

Y Weiss, J Czas, O Navon - Reviews in Mineralogy and …, 2022 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Most diamonds are metasomatic minerals, which means they grew from fluids or melts that
moved through solid mantle rocks and chemically interacted with them. The involvement of …

The origin of cratonic diamonds—constraints from mineral inclusions

T Stachel, JW Harris - Ore Geology Reviews, 2008 - Elsevier
The origin of cratonic diamonds is reviewed on the basis of nearly 5000 analyses of silicate,
oxide and sulphide inclusions in diamonds. Compositional fields are defined for common …

Diamond formation—Where, when and how?

T Stachel, RW Luth - Lithos, 2015 - Elsevier
Geothermobarometric calculations for a worldwide database of inclusions in diamond
indicate that formation of the dominant harzburgitic diamond association occurred …

Pressure and temperature data for diamonds

P Nimis - Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 2022 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
One of the key scientific questions about diamonds is “how are they formed?” To answer this
question, we need to know the diamond-forming reactions and the physicochemical …

Olivine, and the origin of kimberlite

NT Arndt, M Guitreau, AM Boullier, A Le Roex… - Journal of …, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Two types of olivine occur in kimberlites from Greenland, Canada and southern Africa. The
first, xenocrystic olivine, displays several different forms. Most distinctive are 'nodules', a term …

The timing of kimberlite magmatism in North America: implications for global kimberlite genesis and diamond exploration

LM Heaman, BA Kjarsgaard, RA Creaser - Lithos, 2003 - Elsevier
Based on a compilation of more than 100 kimberlite age determinations, four broad
kimberlite emplacement patterns can be recognized in North America:(1) a northeast …

Early Archaean tectonics and mantle redox recorded in Witwatersrand diamonds

KA Smart, S Tappe, RA Stern, SJ Webb… - Nature Geoscience, 2016 - nature.com
Plate tectonics plays a vital role in the evolution of our planet. Geochemical analysis of
Earth's oldest continental crust suggests that subduction may have begun episodically about …

Co-existing fluid and silicate inclusions in mantle diamond

EL Tomlinson, AP Jones, JW Harris - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006 - Elsevier
We document the compositions of co-existing silicate macro-inclusions and fluid micro-
inclusions in the fibrous coats of eight coated diamonds from the Panda kimberlite (Canada) …

Oxidation of the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle driven by metasomatism

S Creighton, T Stachel, S Matveev, H Höfer… - … to Mineralogy and …, 2009 - Springer
The oxidation state, reflected in the oxygen fugacity (f O 2), of the subcratonic lithospheric
mantle is laterally and vertically heterogeneous. In the garnet stability field, the Kaapvaal …

Formation of diamond in the Earth's mantle

T Stachel, JW Harris - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
The principal sources of natural diamonds are peridotitic (about 2/3 of diamonds) and
eclogitic (1/3) domains located at 140–200 km depth in the subcratonic lithospheric mantle …