Co-simulation: State of the art
It is essential to find new ways of enabling experts in different disciplines to collaborate more
efficient in the development of ever more complex systems, under increasing market …
efficient in the development of ever more complex systems, under increasing market …
[PDF][PDF] Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems: state of the art and a literature review.
This paper evaluates the state of the art of hybrid simulation support for cyber physical
systems. The traditional definition for hybrid simulation is expanded to include recent …
systems. The traditional definition for hybrid simulation is expanded to include recent …
[PDF][PDF] Hybrid simulation for cyber physical systems: a panel on where are we going regarding complexity, intelligence, and adaptability of CPS using simulation.
ABSTRACT During the Spring Simulation Multi-Conference 2017, a group of invited experts
discussed challenges in M&S of cyber physical systems. This 2018 panel is a follow-on …
discussed challenges in M&S of cyber physical systems. This 2018 panel is a follow-on …
Semantic adaptation for FMI co-simulation with hierarchical simulators
Model-based design can shorten the development time of complex systems by the use of
simulation techniques. However, it can be hard to simulate the system as a whole if it is …
simulation techniques. However, it can be hard to simulate the system as a whole if it is …
Semantics of co-simulation algorithms with simulator contracts
The rapid adoption of co-simulation techniques allows for holistic complex system
development. However, ensuring trustworthy results when combining simulators requires a …
development. However, ensuring trustworthy results when combining simulators requires a …
Tutorial on means of hybrid simulation
The benefits of Hybrid Simulation (HS) are well recorded in academic literature. It offers
deeper insights into the real-life system as it allows modelers to assess its inherent problems …
deeper insights into the real-life system as it allows modelers to assess its inherent problems …
[PDF][PDF] A multi-paradigm modelling approach for engineering model debugging environments
S Van Mierlo - 2018 - repository.uantwerpen.be
A Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approach for Engineering Model Debugging Environments Page 1
Universiteit Antwerpen A Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approach for Engineering Model Debugging …
Universiteit Antwerpen A Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approach for Engineering Model Debugging …
Property preservation in co-simulation
C Gomes - 2019 - repository.uantwerpen.be
Abstract Modeling and Simulation (M&S) techniques are today extensively used both in
industry and science, to develop and understand complex systems. As development …
industry and science, to develop and understand complex systems. As development …
Hybrid system modelling and simulation with Dirac deltas
For a wide variety of problems, creating detailed continuous models of (continuous) physical
systems is, at the very least, impractical. Hybrid models can abstract away short transient …
systems is, at the very least, impractical. Hybrid models can abstract away short transient …
Cosim20: An integrated development environment for accurate and efficient distributed co-simulations
The development of Cyber-Physical Systems involves several disciplines and stakeholders,
which use heterogeneous models and formalisms to specify the system and make early …
which use heterogeneous models and formalisms to specify the system and make early …