DC voltage and active power regulations in multi terminal high voltage direct current transmission system: A review
The multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MTDC) transmission network using voltage
source converters (VSC) has emerged as a significant method for integrating renewable …
source converters (VSC) has emerged as a significant method for integrating renewable …
Analytical review on common and state-of-the-art FR strategies for VSC-MTDC integrated offshore wind power plants
With the unprecedented growth in recent voltage source converter-based high voltage direct
current (VSC-HVDC) integrated offshore wind power plants, frequency regulation of onshore …
current (VSC-HVDC) integrated offshore wind power plants, frequency regulation of onshore …
Optimal allocation and sizing of synchronous condensers in weak grids with increased penetration of wind and solar farms
S Hadavi, MZ Mansour… - IEEE Journal on Emerging …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The increasing number of weak-grid-connected renewable energy resources in power
systems has created various challenges in recent years. Some examples include un …
systems has created various challenges in recent years. Some examples include un …
A novel coordinated control strategy for frequency regulation of MMC-HVDC connecting offshore wind farms
S Jiang, H Wang, G Li, Y **n, L Wang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To solve the problems of weak inertia support and poor frequency regulation capability of
power system, a novel coordinated control strategy for frequency regulation of MMC-HVDC …
power system, a novel coordinated control strategy for frequency regulation of MMC-HVDC …
Dual grid-forming control with energy regulation capability of MMC-HVDC system integrating offshore wind farms and weak grids
To integrate weak onshore grids, some grid forming (GFM) control schemes taking
advantage of DC voltage synchronization have been proposed for modular multilevel …
advantage of DC voltage synchronization have been proposed for modular multilevel …
On resilience and distributed fixed-time control of MTDC systems under DoS attacks
This article investigates the resiliently distributed fixed-time control of frequency recovery
and power allocation in a multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MTDC) system against …
and power allocation in a multi-terminal high voltage direct current (MTDC) system against …
Transient synchronization stability analysis and enhancement of paralleled converters considering different current injection strategies
Renewable energy sources (RESs) are highly penetrated in power systems through phase-
locked loop (PLL) synchronized converters. Under severe grid voltage sags, PLL …
locked loop (PLL) synchronized converters. Under severe grid voltage sags, PLL …
Internal energy based grid-forming control for MMC-HVDC systems with wind farm integration
The virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control is regarded as an effective solution for
operating converters in weak grid conditions due to its excellent grid support functions …
operating converters in weak grid conditions due to its excellent grid support functions …
Resilient DC voltage control for islanded wind farms integration using cascaded hybrid HVDC system
P Meng, W **ang, Y Chi, Z Wang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
To integrate large-scale islanded onshore wind power with different sizes, this paper
proposes an integration system based on the cascaded hybrid HVDC transmission system …
proposes an integration system based on the cascaded hybrid HVDC transmission system …
Optimal energy utilization of MMC-HVDC system integrating offshore wind farms for onshore weak grid inertia support
Modular multilevel converter-based high-voltage direct current (MMC-HVDC) systems have
the potential to support grid frequency by utilizing the electrostatic energy stored in sub …
the potential to support grid frequency by utilizing the electrostatic energy stored in sub …