The Furongian to Lower Ordovician Alum Shale Formation in conventional and unconventional petroleum systems in the Baltic Basin–A review
The organic carbon-and uranium-rich, marine Alum Shale Formation in northwestern
Europe (Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) to Early Ordovician) was deposited in the Baltic …
Europe (Middle Cambrian (Miaolingian) to Early Ordovician) was deposited in the Baltic …
Effect of rock bridge length on fracture and damage modelling in granite containing hole and fissures under cyclic uniaxial increasing-amplitude decreasing-frequency …
Rock mass is often encountered with complicated stress disturbance, the cyclic or fatigue
loading path with fixed loading frequency and amplitude are widely performed. To date …
loading path with fixed loading frequency and amplitude are widely performed. To date …
What controls the mechanical properties of shale rocks?–Part I: Strength and Young's modulus
We performed mechanical tests on several, mainly European black shales with different
mineralogical composition, porosity and maturity. The uniaxial and triaxial compressive …
mineralogical composition, porosity and maturity. The uniaxial and triaxial compressive …
Wellbore stability analysis and well path optimization based on the breakout width model and Mogi–Coulomb criterion
The failure criterion is a very important aspect of the wellbore stability analysis. But the Mohr–
Coulomb criterion, a most commonly used failure criterion, is usually too conservative, due …
Coulomb criterion, a most commonly used failure criterion, is usually too conservative, due …
A wellbore stability analysis model with chemical-mechanical coupling for shale gas reservoirs
T Ma, P Chen - Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2015 - Elsevier
Chemical and mechanical coupling are the most important factors affecting wellbore
instability. The main objective of this research is to propose a wellbore stability analysis …
instability. The main objective of this research is to propose a wellbore stability analysis …
Influence of bedding angle on borehole stability: a laboratory investigation of transverse isotropic oil shale
The stability of wells drilled into bedded formations, eg, shales, depends on the orientation
between the bedding and the borehole axis. If the borehole is drilled sub-parallel to …
between the bedding and the borehole axis. If the borehole is drilled sub-parallel to …
A review on factors influencing the rock mechanics of the gas bearing formations
Efforts towards producing low-carbon fossil fuels and renewable energy resources have
increased significantly within the last two decades and are expected to grow even more in …
increased significantly within the last two decades and are expected to grow even more in …
Fracture evolution and failure behaviour of marble specimens containing rectangular cavities under uniaxial loading
To analyse the fracture coalescence behaviour around hole-like flaws in rock, rectangular
cuboid marble specimens containing a single rectangular cavity or two rectangular cavities …
cuboid marble specimens containing a single rectangular cavity or two rectangular cavities …
Evolution of stress‐induced borehole breakout in inherently anisotropic rock: Insights from discrete element modeling
The aim of this study is to better understand the mechanisms controlling the initiation,
propagation, and ultimate pattern of borehole breakouts in shale formation when drilled …
propagation, and ultimate pattern of borehole breakouts in shale formation when drilled …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling geomechanical stability of a large deep borehole in shale for radioactive waste disposal
Large diameter boreholes drilled to a depth of 1000–2000 m are currently investigated in
Australia as a potential solution for waste emplacement and long-term containment for long …
Australia as a potential solution for waste emplacement and long-term containment for long …