[PDF][PDF] E-Marketing-A literature Review from a Small Businesses perspective
H El-Gohary - International journal of business and social science, 2010 - Citeseer
Objectives This paper aims to build a structured literature review to the field of E-Marketing.
This literature review will provide an archive of past research points and methodologies …
This literature review will provide an archive of past research points and methodologies …
Internationalization: From incremental to born global
In this paper, we summarize how internationalization research has evolved over time, where
it stands today, and how it might evolve going forward. Specifically, we examine …
it stands today, and how it might evolve going forward. Specifically, we examine …
The internet as an alternative path to internationalization?
Purpose–While the internet enjoys increasing interest regarding its potential to extend the
global reach of firms, especially small and medium‐sized firms (SMEs), little work has been …
global reach of firms, especially small and medium‐sized firms (SMEs), little work has been …
Firms' degree of born-globalness, international entrepreneurial orientation and export performance
Despite the recent increase in'born-global'studies, there has been little research on how the
scale and scope of being a born-global firm affects performance: most of the earlier research …
scale and scope of being a born-global firm affects performance: most of the earlier research …
Born globals: Propositions to help advance the theory
Although born globals (BGs) have now been studied for over a decade, theory and practice
are still evolving. This article was written to clarify the definition of a Born Global (BG) firm …
are still evolving. This article was written to clarify the definition of a Born Global (BG) firm …
Internet-based sales channel strategies of born global firms
Recent changes in the technological environment have had a significant impact on the
available sales channel alternatives. At the forefront of this development are the born global …
available sales channel alternatives. At the forefront of this development are the born global …
[HTML][HTML] The role of digitalization in early internationalization Research: A systematic literature review and future research directions
The purpose of this research is to systematically collate and synthesize the literature on how
digitalization-related antecedents influence the processes and outcomes of early …
digitalization-related antecedents influence the processes and outcomes of early …
An institution-based view of firms' early internationalization: Effectiveness of national export promotion policies
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the differential effects of national export
promotion policies (EPPs) on firms' early internationalization using the institution-based view …
promotion policies (EPPs) on firms' early internationalization using the institution-based view …
The emergence of the lean global start-up as a new type of firm
The present paper contributes to the interplay between international entrepreneurship,
innovation networks and early internationalization research emphasizing the need to …
innovation networks and early internationalization research emphasizing the need to …
Born-globals and culturally proximate markets
S Freeman, K Hutchings, S Chetty - Management International Review, 2012 - Springer
In this paper we focus on the differences between born-globals and older firms. We compare
whether cultural proximity is important for born-globals and older firms and whether …
whether cultural proximity is important for born-globals and older firms and whether …