A robust SIFT descriptor for multispectral images
This letter presents a novel method for the description of multispectral image keypoints. The
method proposed is based on a modified SIFT algorithm. It uses normalized gradients as …
method proposed is based on a modified SIFT algorithm. It uses normalized gradients as …
Towards feature points based image matching between satellite imagery and aerial photographs of agriculture land
This paper focuses on image matching between satellite imagery and aerial photographs of
agriculture land. Feature points are used for image matching. The satellite imagery and …
agriculture land. Feature points are used for image matching. The satellite imagery and …
Feature points for multisensor images
Feature points are effective for wide range of computer vision applications. In the last two
decades, a large number of feature point detection and description algorithms have been …
decades, a large number of feature point detection and description algorithms have been …
Scheduling analysis under fault bursts
F Many, D Doose - 2011 17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Real time systems must respect their temporal constraints both in nominal and degraded
conditions. Environment disturbances cause faults which are revealed by errors during task …
conditions. Environment disturbances cause faults which are revealed by errors during task …
Visible spectrum and infra-red image matching: a new method
Textural and intensity changes between Visible Spectrum (VS) and Infra-Red (IR) images
degrade the performance of feature points. We propose a new method based on a …
degrade the performance of feature points. We propose a new method based on a …
Feature points-based image registration between satellite imagery and aerialimages of agricultural land
Rapid advancement in remote sensing sensors has resulted in an enormous increase in the
use of satellite imagery (SI) and images taken from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a …
use of satellite imagery (SI) and images taken from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a …
Establishing feature point correspondences between multisensor images with a robust feature matching strategy
S Saleem - Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2019 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Establishing cross-spectral feature point correspondences is a challenging problem due to
high textural and intensity changes between multisensor images. To overcome such …
high textural and intensity changes between multisensor images. To overcome such …
Large Scale Pattern Detection in Videos and Images from the Wild
CDM Henderson - 2017 - qmro.qmul.ac.uk
Pattern detection is a well-studied area of computer vision, but still current methods are
unstable in images of poor quality. This thesis describes improvements over contemporary …
unstable in images of poor quality. This thesis describes improvements over contemporary …
A Gradient Extension of Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns for Robust RGB-NIR Image Matching
Scene acquisition using RGB and Near Infra-Red (NIR) filters generates useful visual
information about scene contents. But it induces significant intensity and textural changes …
information about scene contents. But it induces significant intensity and textural changes …
Nonlinear intensity invariant local image descriptors
S Saleem - 2014 - repositum.tuwien.at
An interesting problem in Computer Vision is the construction of local image descriptors. It
deals with the description of intensity patterns within image patches. Image patches are local …
deals with the description of intensity patterns within image patches. Image patches are local …