Genome editing with CRISPR–Cas nucleases, base editors, transposases and prime editors

AV Anzalone, LW Koblan, DR Liu - Nature biotechnology, 2020‏ -
The development of new CRISPR–Cas genome editing tools continues to drive major
advances in the life sciences. Four classes of CRISPR–Cas-derived genome editing agents …

Genetic instabilities in human cancers

C Lengauer, KW Kinzler, B Vogelstein - Nature, 1998‏ -
Whether and how human tumours are genetically unstable has been debated for decades.
There is now evidence that most cancers may indeed be genetically unstable, but that the …

[کتاب][B] Casarett and Doull's toxicology: the basic science of poisons

CD Klaassen, MO Amdur - 2013‏ -
The question of what constitutes an acceptable risk is a matter of judgement. Such decisions
are multifaceted and complex, and involve a balance of risk and benefit. High risks may be …

Toxic effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

Y Matsumura, HN Ananthaswamy - Toxicology and applied pharmacology, 2004‏ - Elsevier
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation present in sunlight is an environmental human carcinogen. The
toxic effects of UV from natural sunlight and therapeutic artificial lamps are a major concern …

Endogenous DNA damage in humans: a review of quantitative data

R De Bont, N Van Larebeke - Mutagenesis, 2004‏ -
DNA damage plays a major role in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and ageing. The vast
majority of mutations in human tissues are certainly of endogenous origin. A thorough …

Replication protein A: a heterotrimeric, single-stranded DNA-binding protein required for eukaryotic DNA metabolism

MS Wold - Annual review of biochemistry, 1997‏ -
Replication protein A [RPA; also known as replication factor A (RFA) and human single-
stranded DNA-binding protein] is a single-stranded DNA-binding protein that is required for …

[HTML][HTML] Metabolism and function of coenzyme Q

M Turunen, J Olsson, G Dallner - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) …, 2004‏ - Elsevier
Coenzyme Q (CoQ) is present in all cells and membranes and in addition to be a member of
the mitochondrial respiratory chain it has also several other functions of great importance for …

DNA damage and repair

EC Friedberg - Nature, 2003‏ -
The aesthetic appeal of the DNA double helix initially hindered notions of DNA mutation and
repair, which would necessarily interfere with its pristine state. But it has since been …

UV-induced skin damage

M Ichihashi, M Ueda, A Budiyanto, T Bito, M Oka… - Toxicology, 2003‏ - Elsevier
Solar radiation induces acute and chronic reactions in human and animal skin. Chronic
repeated exposures are the primary cause of benign and malignant skin tumors, including …

Cellular responses to DNA damage

CJ Norbury, ID Hickson - Annual review of pharmacology and …, 2001‏ -
Cells are constantly under threat from the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of DNA damaging
agents. These agents can either be exogenous or formed within cells. Environmental DNA …