Static and dynamic tactile directional cues experiments with VTPlayer mouse

T Pietrzak, I Pecci, B Martin - Proceedings of the Eurohaptics …, 2006 -
Braille cells have good potential to provide information. Users don't have to know the braille
alphabet to be able to use them. In this study we show that it is possible to create 4× 4 …

The MICOLE architecture: multimodal support for inclusion of visually impaired children

T Pietrzak, B Martin, I Pecci, R Saarinen… - Proceedings of the 9th …, 2007 -
Modern information technology allows us to seek out new ways to support the computer use
and communication of disabled people. With the aid of new interaction technologies and …

Haptic and audio interaction design

T Pietrzak, MM Wanderley - Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2020 - Springer
Haptics, audio and human–computer interaction are three scientific disciplines that share
interests, issues and methodologies. Despite these common points, interaction between …

An interactive approach to display large sets of association rules

O Couturier, J Rouillard, V Chevrin - … on Human Interface 2007, Held as …, 2007 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is an active research domain. Due to the
number of large databases, various data mining methods were developed. Those tools can …

Discount evaluation of preliminary versions of systems dedicated to users with cerebral palsy: simulation of involuntary movements in non-disabled participants

Y Guerrier, J Naveteur, C Kolski, F Anceaux - International Conference on …, 2021 - Springer
Simulation of disabled user characteristics can be useful in two cases:(1) during preliminary
tests of interactive systems,(2) to train designers and make them understand the difficulties …

Un logiciel d'exploration de schémas de circuits électriques basé sur l'API MICOLE

T Pietrzak, I Pecci, B Martin - Proceedings of the 19th Conference on l' …, 2007 -
De nouvelles technologies permettent de proposer de nouvelles interactions, notamment
pour les personnes en situation de handicap. Par exemple grâcea de nouvelles …

Evaluation d'un logiciel d'exploration de circuits électriques pour déficients visuels

T Pietrzak, N Noble, I Pecci, B Martin - Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs …, 2006 -
Les enfants déficients visuels rencontrent certaines difficultés dans le milieu scolaire par
manque de moyens adaptés. L'éducation utilise beaucoup de schémas par exemple. Les …

Actuated Peripherals as Tangibles in Desktop Interaction

T Pietrzak, G Bailly, S Malacria - Proceedings of the European …, 2017 -
TUIs use everyday physical objects to interact with digital information. With decades of
usage, computer peripherals became everyday physical objects. We observed that users …