Waveguide quantum electrodynamics: Collective radiance and photon-photon correlations
This review describes the emerging field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics concerned
with the interaction of photons propagating in a waveguide with localized quantum emitters …
with the interaction of photons propagating in a waveguide with localized quantum emitters …
Metasurface holographic optical traps for ultracold atoms
We propose metasurface holograms as a novel platform to generate optical trap arrays for
cold atoms with high quality, efficiency, and thermal stability. We developed design and …
cold atoms with high quality, efficiency, and thermal stability. We developed design and …
A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer
Versatile interfaces with strong and tunable light–matter interactions are essential for
quantum science because they enable map** of quantum properties between light and …
quantum science because they enable map** of quantum properties between light and …
Universality of Dicke superradiance in arrays of quantum emitters
Dicke superradiance is an example of emergence of macroscopic quantum coherence via
correlated dissipation. Starting from an initially incoherent state, a collection of excited atoms …
correlated dissipation. Starting from an initially incoherent state, a collection of excited atoms …
Exponential improvement in photon storage fidelities using subradiance and “selective radiance” in atomic arrays
A central goal within quantum optics is to realize efficient, controlled interactions between
photons and atomic media. A fundamental limit in nearly all applications based on such …
photons and atomic media. A fundamental limit in nearly all applications based on such …
Open quantum systems with local and collective incoherent processes: Efficient numerical simulations using permutational invariance
The permutational invariance of identical two-level systems allows for an exponential
reduction in the computational resources required to study the Lindblad dynamics of …
reduction in the computational resources required to study the Lindblad dynamics of …
Super-radiance reveals infinite-range dipole interactions through a nanofiber
Atoms interact with each other through the electromagnetic field, creating collective states
that can radiate faster or slower than a single atom, ie, super-and sub-radiance. When the …
that can radiate faster or slower than a single atom, ie, super-and sub-radiance. When the …
Dicke superradiance in ordered arrays of multilevel atoms
In inverted atomic ensembles, photon-mediated interactions give rise to Dicke
superradiance, a form of many-body decay that results in a rapid release of energy as a …
superradiance, a form of many-body decay that results in a rapid release of energy as a …
Superradiance in a large and dilute cloud of cold atoms in the linear-optics regime
Superradiance has been extensively studied in the 1970s and 1980s in the regime of
superfluorescence, where a large number of atoms are initially excited. Cooperative …
superfluorescence, where a large number of atoms are initially excited. Cooperative …
Many-body signatures of collective decay in atomic chains
Fully inverted atoms placed at exactly the same location synchronize as they deexcite, and
light is emitted in a burst (known as “Dicke's superradiance”). We investigate the role of finite …
light is emitted in a burst (known as “Dicke's superradiance”). We investigate the role of finite …