Internal combustion engines powered by syngas: A review
Syngas is an intermediate step towards the transition from carbon-based to hydrogen-based
fuels, promoted by the emerging concerns about climate change and damages to the …
fuels, promoted by the emerging concerns about climate change and damages to the …
MILD combustion of low calorific value gases
The utilization of low calorific value gases (LCVG) in combustion devices presents particular
challenges in terms of ignition and sustained combustion stability due to the presence of non …
challenges in terms of ignition and sustained combustion stability due to the presence of non …
Effect of hydrogen addition on the combustion and emission characteristics of methane under gas turbine relevant operating condition
Y Sun, Y Zhang, M Huang, Q Li, W Wang, D Zhao… - Fuel, 2022 - Elsevier
The influence of hydrogen addition (0–100%) on the combustion and emission
characteristics (NO and CO formation) of laminar-premixed methane flame under gas …
characteristics (NO and CO formation) of laminar-premixed methane flame under gas …
Effect of hydrogen addition on the laminar premixed combustion characteristics the main components of natural gas
With the increasing use of natural gas, improving the thermal efficiency and reducing
emissions has become the major goals in its combustion. The objective of the present work …
emissions has become the major goals in its combustion. The objective of the present work …
Effects of N2 dilution on laminar burning velocity, combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of rich CH4–air premixed flames
Abstract Effects of N 2 dilution on laminar burning velocity (LBV), adiabatic flame
temperature (AFT), intermediate radicals (CH 3, H) and NOx emissions (NO, N 2 O) of …
temperature (AFT), intermediate radicals (CH 3, H) and NOx emissions (NO, N 2 O) of …
Numerical study of the physical and chemical effects of hydrogen addition on laminar premixed combustion characteristics of methane and ethane
Methane and ethane are taken as the research objects. Using H 2 as diluent, based on
Chemkin II/Premix Code and modified detailed chemical reaction mechanism: GRI 3.0 …
Chemkin II/Premix Code and modified detailed chemical reaction mechanism: GRI 3.0 …
An investigation on utilization of biogas and syngas produced from biomass waste in premixed spark ignition engine
Syngas and biogas are two typical biofuels generated from biomass wastes through
gasification and anaerobic digestion processes, which are considered to be the future fuels …
gasification and anaerobic digestion processes, which are considered to be the future fuels …
Study on laminar flame speed and flame structure of syngas with varied compositions using OH-PLIF and spectrograph
Various Bunsen flame information of premixed syngas/air mixtures was systematically
collected. A CCD camera was used to capture the flame images. The OH-PLIF technique …
collected. A CCD camera was used to capture the flame images. The OH-PLIF technique …
Experimental and numerical study of CO2 content effects on the laminar burning velocity of biogas
In the present work, the adiabatic laminar burning velocity of methane diluted with carbon
dioxide, the two main components of biogas, is investigated both experimentally and …
dioxide, the two main components of biogas, is investigated both experimentally and …
Laminar burning velocities of H2/CO/CH4/CO2/N2-air mixtures at elevated temperatures
The laminar burning velocity of nine different syngas compositions has been measured at
elevated temperatures (350–650 K) for various equivalence ratios using an externally …
elevated temperatures (350–650 K) for various equivalence ratios using an externally …