Psychological Conditions and Social Relations of School Dropouts
RS Rosada, S Lestari - Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2023 -
This study aims to understand the psychological condition and social relations of
adolescents who have dropped out of school. This research was conducted using a …
adolescents who have dropped out of school. This research was conducted using a …
Pentingnya Kesehatan Mental Bagi Remaja Karang Taruna Di Desa Cemer Lor Kabupaten Gresik
Setiap individu memiliki tugas perkembangan di setiap tahapan kehidupan. Tugas
perkembangan yang disertai tekanan, kesedihan, kecemasan, dan segala emosi yang tidak …
perkembangan yang disertai tekanan, kesedihan, kecemasan, dan segala emosi yang tidak …
Konsep Body Image Remaja Putri Penikmat Beauty Content pada Aplikasi TikTok
J Kusdemawati - Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 2024 -
Pada dasarnya manusia terus mengalami pertumbuhan dan juga perkembangan. Salah
satu tahap perkembangan yang sangat penting dan rentan adalah perkembangan di masa …
satu tahap perkembangan yang sangat penting dan rentan adalah perkembangan di masa …
The Effect of Adolescent Therapeutic Group Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Occurrence of Depression
Adolescents are tasked with develo** identity vs. role confusion, where the search for
identity will shape the individual's character. There has been an increase in the use of social …
identity will shape the individual's character. There has been an increase in the use of social …
Exploring Suicidal Ideation Among High School Students in Central Java: A Comprehensive Analysis
NN Jayanti, FI Sabtana… - Suluh: Jurnal Bimbingan …, 2024 -
There has been an increase in suicides in Indonesia in recent years. Suicide is the leading
cause of death in the 15-29 age group. Suicide attempts begin with suicidal ideation …
cause of death in the 15-29 age group. Suicide attempts begin with suicidal ideation …
Religious Life Amid COVID-19: A Neuroscience and Islamic Psychology Perspective on Ramadan 1442 H at Jogokariyan Mosque, Yogyakarta
The spread of Covid-19 in the month of Ramadan 1442 H, caused all worship activities to be
closed tightly. However, there is one mosque whose religious activities are still active, which …
closed tightly. However, there is one mosque whose religious activities are still active, which …
[การอ้างอิง][C] Krisis Identitas dalam Perkembangan Psikososial Pelaku Klitih di Yogyakarta
MN Inayah, A Yusuf, K Umam - Jurnal Penelitian Kesejahteraan Sosial, 2021