Real option pricing of network design investments

JYJ Chow, AC Regan - Transportation science, 2011 -
A real option solution and method are used to quantify the value of flexibility for deferral and
design strategies in investments made in a network. The model is proposed to address …

Terminal investment timing decisions in a competitive setting with uncertainty using a real option approach

S Zheng, RR Negenborn - Maritime Policy & Management, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper uses a real option approach to analyze terminal investment timing decisions for
situations in which a port faces competition from its rivals in an uncertain market. We …

Real estate development as real options

ECM Hui, HHK Fung - Construction management and Economics, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
One of the recent advances in property valuation is to view a property or the right to develop
it as a call option. Shilling et al. were among the first to apply option pricing theory in this …

การ ศึกษา มูลค่า เวลา การ เดินทาง ของ ถนน สาย รอง ใน ประเทศไทย

ธเนศ เสถียร นาม - Engineering Journal of Research and …, 2020 -
Collectors roads are the roads that distribute traffic flows from the arterial roads. This kind of
road plays an important role in the people journey within their community. Thus …

[КНИГА][B] Asset Investment and Portfolio Management of Sustainable Infrastructure Systems: Optimization and Real-Options Approaches

Y Deng - 2018 -
Active asset-investment and portfolio-construction strategies for infrastructure systems are
developed. Two primary questions are explored: how to allocate a limited budget among the …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Public Funding for Local Rail Project with Withdrawal Options: Case Studies of Rural Rail Service in Japan

H Kato, Y Harada