Individuality in nest building: do southern masked weaver (Ploceus velatus) males vary in their nest-building behaviour?

PT Walsh, M Hansell, WD Borello, SD Healy - Behavioural Processes, 2011 - Elsevier
We currently have little understanding of how birds know what nest to build and what little
we do know has been gained largely from investigations of the completed structures …

Nest-building males trade off material collection costs with territory value

IE Bailey, KV Morgan, HD Oschadleus… - Emu-Austral …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Building a structurally robust nest is crucial for reproductive success in many birds. However,
we know little about the criteria birds use to select material or where they go to collect it …

Plumage Colouration, Age, Testosterone and Dominance in Male Red Bishops (Euplectes orix): A Laboratory Experiment

AU Edler, TWP Friedl - Ethology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Visual signals such as plumage characteristics in birds often play a key role in the
establishment of dominance in contests by acting as a badge of status that can be used to …

Organisms using Phragmites australis are diverse and similar on three continents

E Kiviat - Journal of Natural History, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Common reed (Phragmites australis) is one of the most widely distributed, most abundant,
and best-studied vascular plants worldwide but there has been no broad comparison of reed …

Temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests in red bishops (Euplectes orix): dynamics of a biological market

M Metz, GM Klump, TWP Friedl - Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2007 - Springer
The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males
construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females …

Male nest-building behaviour and mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix)

M Metz, G Klump, T Friedl - Behaviour, 2009 -
We analysed the relation between male nest-building behaviour and mating success in the
red bishop (Euplectes orix), a highly polygynous and colonially breeding weaverbird. Male …

Linking male reproductive success to effort within and among nests in a co‐breeding stream fish

S Kim, MB Hooten, TL Darden, Y Kanno - Ethology, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Nest construction is an energetically costly behavior displayed by males in many taxa. In
some species, males construct nests and co‐breed with other males and they may construct …

Gill Memorial Medal Address 2014 Reviewing the Red Bishop: the bird that introduced me to ornithology

AJFK Craig - Ostrich, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Euplectes (Craig 1992). Body mass, high at the start of the breeding season and then
declining, increases again during this post-nuptial moult (Craig 1978). An initial analysis of …

Vliv kvality hnízda na reprodukční úspěšnost u rákosníka velkého

V Jelínek - 2010 -
Ptačí hnízda představují pro rozmnožování drtivé většiny druhů ptáků klíčové struktury a
měla by proto podléhat přírodnímu výběr. Selekční tlaky, které na velikost hnízda působí …

[KNYGA][B] Twenty-four hour activity budget and scent-marking behaviours of captive margays (Leopardus wiedii) in naturalistic enclosures, Belize

N Gour - 2007 -
I present the first study of the twenty-four hour activity budget and scent-marking repertoire of
margay. My results indicate that the sexes had remarkably similar activity budgets with the …