Economic valuation of biodiversity: A comparative study
In recent years, an intensive debate on the economic valuation of biodiversity has entered
the environmental-economics literature. The present paper seeks to offer first a critical …
the environmental-economics literature. The present paper seeks to offer first a critical …
[Књига][B] The measurement of environmental and resource values: theory and methods
AM Freeman Iii, JA Herriges, CL Kling - 2014 -
The first edition of this important work was the winner of the 2002 Publication of Enduring
Quality award by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The …
Quality award by the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. The …
The use (and abuse) of meta-analysis in environmental and natural resource economics: an assessment
JP Nelson, PE Kennedy - Environmental and resource economics, 2009 - Springer
Motivated by the 2006 report of a Work Group appointed by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), this paper examines the present state of meta-analysis in environmental …
Agency (EPA), this paper examines the present state of meta-analysis in environmental …
Contingent valuation: what needs to be done?
RD Smith, TH Sach - Health Economics, Policy and Law, 2010 -
Contingent valuation (CV) has been argued to have theoretical advantages over other
approaches for benefit valuation used by health economists. Yet, in reality, the technique …
approaches for benefit valuation used by health economists. Yet, in reality, the technique …
Is meta-analysis a Noah's ark for non-market valuation?
VK Smith, SK Pattanayak - Environmental and Resource Economics, 2002 - Springer
This paper describes meta-analytical methods as they have been appliedto non-market
valuation research. These studies have been used to reviewand synthesize literature and …
valuation research. These studies have been used to reviewand synthesize literature and …
The hidden cost of wildfires: Economic valuation of health effects of wildfire smoke exposure in Southern California
There is a growing concern that human health impacts from exposure to wildfire smoke are
ignored in estimates of monetized damages from wildfires. Current research highlights the …
ignored in estimates of monetized damages from wildfires. Current research highlights the …
Factors that affect adherence to bipolar disorder treatments: a stated-preference approach
Background: Medication nonadherence is high among patients with bipolar disorder, and
may lead to poor clinical outcomes, decreased quality of life, and increased resource …
may lead to poor clinical outcomes, decreased quality of life, and increased resource …
Hypothetical bias, cheap talk, and stated willingness to pay for health care
Subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) enrolled in an online panel were asked to evaluate
pairs of treatment alternatives with different attributes. Half of the sample saw a cheap-talk …
pairs of treatment alternatives with different attributes. Half of the sample saw a cheap-talk …
The per case and total annual costs of foodborne illness in the United States
T Minor, A Lasher, K Klontz, B Brown… - Risk …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We present an economic welfare‐based method to estimate the health costs associated with
foodborne illness caused by known viruses, bacteria, parasites, allergens, two marine …
foodborne illness caused by known viruses, bacteria, parasites, allergens, two marine …
Mother's willingness to pay for her own and her child's health: a contingent valuation study in Taiwan
We use the contingent valuation (CV) method to estimate mothers' willingness to pay (WTP)
to protect themselves and their children from suffering a minor illness—a cold—in Taiwan …
to protect themselves and their children from suffering a minor illness—a cold—in Taiwan …