Forest microbiome and global change
Forests influence climate and mitigate global change through the storage of carbon in soils.
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
In turn, these complex ecosystems face important challenges, including increases in carbon …
A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardising root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements
In the context of a recent massive increase in research on plant root functions and their
impact on the environment, root ecologists currently face many important challenges to keep …
impact on the environment, root ecologists currently face many important challenges to keep …
Mycorrhizal fungi as mediators of soil organic matter dynamics
Inhabiting the interface between plant roots and soil, mycorrhizal fungi play a unique but
underappreciated role in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. Their hyphae provide an …
underappreciated role in soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. Their hyphae provide an …
Evidence for the primacy of living root inputs, not root or shoot litter, in forming soil organic carbon
Soil organic carbon (SOC) is primarily formed from plant inputs, but the relative carbon (C)
contributions from living root inputs (ie rhizodeposits) vs litter inputs (ie root+ shoot litter) are …
contributions from living root inputs (ie rhizodeposits) vs litter inputs (ie root+ shoot litter) are …
Redefining fine roots improves understanding of below‐ground contributions to terrestrial biosphere processes
Fine roots acquire essential soil resources and mediate biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial
ecosystems. Estimates of carbon and nutrient allocation to build and maintain these …
ecosystems. Estimates of carbon and nutrient allocation to build and maintain these …
A holistic framework integrating plant-microbe-mineral regulation of soil bioavailable nitrogen
Soil organic nitrogen (N) is a critical resource for plants and microbes, but the processes that
govern its cycle are not well-described. To promote a holistic understanding of soil N …
govern its cycle are not well-described. To promote a holistic understanding of soil N …
The ecology of soil carbon: pools, vulnerabilities, and biotic and abiotic controls
Soil organic matter (SOM) anchors global terrestrial productivity and food and fiber supply.
SOM retains water and soil nutrients and stores more global carbon than do plants and the …
SOM retains water and soil nutrients and stores more global carbon than do plants and the …
Minerals in the rhizosphere: overlooked mediators of soil nitrogen availability to plants and microbes
Despite decades of research progress, ecologists are still debating which pools and fluxes
provide nitrogen (N) to plants and soil microbes across different ecosystems …
provide nitrogen (N) to plants and soil microbes across different ecosystems …
Paradigm shift in plant growth control
Highlights•Source activity (photosynthesis) depends on sink activity (tissue growth).•
Environmental stress constrains sink activity before it affects source activity.•Under drought …
Environmental stress constrains sink activity before it affects source activity.•Under drought …
Ectomycorrhizal fungi–potential organic matter decomposers, yet not saprotrophs
Although hypothesized for many years, the involvement of ectomycorrhizal fungi in
decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully …
decomposition of soil organic matter remains controversial and has not yet been fully …