[ספר][B] Categorical homotopy theory

E Riehl - 2014‏ - books.google.com
This book develops abstract homotopy theory from the categorical perspective with a
particular focus on examples. Part I discusses two competing perspectives by which one …

Univalence for inverse diagrams and homotopy canonicity

M Shulman - Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2015‏ - cambridge.org
We describe a homotopical version of the relational and gluing models of type theory, and
generalize it to inverse diagrams and oplax limits. Our method uses the Reedy homotopy …

[HTML][HTML] Algebraic weak factorisation systems I: Accessible AWFS

J Bourke, R Garner - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2016‏ - Elsevier
Algebraic weak factorisation systems (awfs) refine weak factorisation systems by requiring
that the assignations sending a map to its first and second factors should underlie an …

[ספר][B] A handbook of model categories

S Balchin - 2021‏ - Springer
The idea for this book was conceptualized during a research visit to Macquarie University in
the summer of 2017. At first, I was interested in collecting exotic examples of model …

Six model structures for DG-modules over DGAs: model category theory in homological action

T Barthel, JP May, E Riehl - arxiv preprint arxiv:1310.1159, 2013‏ - arxiv.org
In Part 1, we describe six projective-type model structures on the category of differential
graded modules over a differential graded algebra A over a commutative ring R. When R is …

[HTML][HTML] Diagram spaces and symmetric spectra

S Sagave, C Schlichtkrull - Advances in Mathematics, 2012‏ - Elsevier
We present a general homotopical analysis of structured diagram spaces and discuss the
relation to symmetric spectra. The main motivating examples are the I-spaces, which are …

When Bousfield localizations and homotopy idempotent functors meet again

V Carmona - arxiv preprint arxiv:2203.15849, 2022‏ - arxiv.org
We adopt semimodel categories to extend fundamental results related to Bousfield
localizations of model categories. More specifically, we generalize Bousfield-Friedlander …

Equivariant Infinite Loop Space Theory: The Space Level Story

J May, M Merling, A Osorno - 2025‏ - ams.org
We rework and generalize equivariant infinite loop space theory, which shows how to
construct $ G $-spectra from $ G $-spaces with suitable structure. There is a classical …

Six model categories for directed homotopy

P Gaucher - arxiv preprint arxiv:1904.04159, 2019‏ - arxiv.org
We construct a q-model structure, a h-model structure and a m-model structure on
multipointed $ d $-spaces and on flows. The two q-model structures are combinatorial and …

Left properness of flows

P Gaucher - arxiv preprint arxiv:1907.01454, 2019‏ - arxiv.org
Using Reedy techniques, this paper gives a correct proof of the left properness of the q-
model structure of flows. It fixes the preceding proof which relies on an incorrect argument …