Utilization of biochar for resource recovery from water: A review
H Yang, S Ye, Z Zeng, G Zeng, X Tan, R **ao… - Chemical Engineering …, 2020 - Elsevier
Over the past few decades, the shortage of water resource has prompted a shift in human
concept about waste water: from waste to valuable resource. Utilizing wastewater can not …
concept about waste water: from waste to valuable resource. Utilizing wastewater can not …
Occurrence of contaminants in drinking water sources and the potential of biochar for water quality improvement: A review
In this work, the occurrence of contaminants in drinking water sources was described in
relation to their treatment options based on both conventional (eg, coagulation-flocculation …
relation to their treatment options based on both conventional (eg, coagulation-flocculation …
Conventional and amended bioretention soil media for targeted pollutant treatment: A critical review to guide the state of the practice
Bioretention systems are widely used green infrastructure elements that utilize engineered
bioretention soil media (BSM) for stormwater capture and treatment. Conventional …
bioretention soil media (BSM) for stormwater capture and treatment. Conventional …
Plenty of room for carbon on the ground: Potential applications of biochar for stormwater treatment
Low impact development (LID) systems are increasingly used to manage stormwater, but
they have limited capacity to treat stormwater—a resource to supplement existing water …
they have limited capacity to treat stormwater—a resource to supplement existing water …
Biochar-based bioretention systems for removal of chemical and microbial pollutants from stormwater: A critical review
BK Biswal, K Vijayaraghavan, DL Tsen-Tieng… - Journal of hazardous …, 2022 - Elsevier
Biochar has been increasingly used as a filter medium in engineered low impact
development systems (eg, bioretention systems) for decontamination of urban stormwater …
development systems (eg, bioretention systems) for decontamination of urban stormwater …
Hydrophilic trace organic contaminants in urban stormwater: occurrence, toxicological relevance, and the need to enhance green stormwater infrastructure
Hydrophilic trace organic contaminants (hyphil-TrOCs) are polar, often ionizable organic
compounds of anthropogenic origin that have various applications in the urban environment …
compounds of anthropogenic origin that have various applications in the urban environment …
A pilot-scale, bi-layer bioretention system with biochar and zero-valent iron for enhanced nitrate removal from stormwater
Nitrogen (N) removal in conventional bioretention systems is highly variable owing to the
low nitrate (NO 3−) elimination efficiency. We hypothesized that amending bioretention cells …
low nitrate (NO 3−) elimination efficiency. We hypothesized that amending bioretention cells …
Engineered biochar for the effective sorption and remediation of emerging pollutants in the environment
Various compounds that are emerging contaminants pose a significant risk to aquatic
ecosystems and human health due to their potential to harm human health and the …
ecosystems and human health due to their potential to harm human health and the …
Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater–can they improve receiving water quality?
Stormwater biofilters are being implemented widely in urban environments to provide green
space, alleviate flooding, and improve stormwater quality. However, biofilters with …
space, alleviate flooding, and improve stormwater quality. However, biofilters with …
A critical review of contaminant removal by conventional and emerging media for urban stormwater treatment in the United States
Stormwater is a major component of the urban water cycle contributing to street flooding and
high runoff volumes in urban areas, and elevated contaminant concentrations in receiving …
high runoff volumes in urban areas, and elevated contaminant concentrations in receiving …