Coding techniques for backscatter communications—A contemporary survey
Backscatter communication (BackCom) networks enable passive/battery-free Internet-of-
Thing devices, providing reliable, massive connectivity while ensuring self-sustainability, low …
Thing devices, providing reliable, massive connectivity while ensuring self-sustainability, low …
Breaking the interference and fading gridlock in backscatter communications: State-of-the-art, design challenges, and future directions
As the Internet of Things (IoT) advances by leaps and bounds, a multitude of devices are
becoming interconnected, marking the onset of an era where everything is connected. While …
becoming interconnected, marking the onset of an era where everything is connected. While …
Lora backscatter: Enabling the vision of ubiquitous connectivity
The vision of embedding connectivity into billions of everyday objects runs into the reality of
existing communication technologies--there is no existing wireless technology that can …
existing communication technologies--there is no existing wireless technology that can …
FTrack: Parallel decoding for LoRa transmissions
LoRa has emerged as a promising Low-Power Wide Area Network (LP-WAN) technology to
connect a huge number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. The dense deployment and an …
connect a huge number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices. The dense deployment and an …
{NetScatter}: Enabling {Large-Scale} Backscatter Networks
We present the first wireless protocol that scales to hundreds of concurrent transmissions
from backscatter devices. Our key innovation is a distributed coding mechanism that works …
from backscatter devices. Our key innovation is a distributed coding mechanism that works …
{FM} backscatter: Enabling connected cities and smart fabrics
This paper enables connectivity on everyday objects by transforming them into FM radio
stations. To do this, we show for the first time that ambient FM radio signals can be used as a …
stations. To do this, we show for the first time that ambient FM radio signals can be used as a …
Freerider: Backscatter communication using commodity radios
We introduce the design and implementation of FreeRider, the first system that enables
backscatter communication with multiple commodity radios, such as 802.11 g/n WiFi …
backscatter communication with multiple commodity radios, such as 802.11 g/n WiFi …
LoRea: A backscatter architecture that achieves a long communication range
There is the long-standing assumption that radio communication in the range of hundreds of
meters needs to consume mWs of power at the transmitting device. In this paper, we …
meters needs to consume mWs of power at the transmitting device. In this paper, we …
Colora: Enabling multi-packet reception in lora
LoRa, more generically Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN), is a promising platform to
connect Internet of Things. It enables low-cost low-power communication at a few kbps over …
connect Internet of Things. It enables low-cost low-power communication at a few kbps over …
Constellation learning-based signal detection for ambient backscatter communication systems
Ambient backscatter communication (AmBC) is a promising solution to energy-efficient and
spectrum-efficient Internet of Things with stringent power and cost constraints. In an AmBC …
spectrum-efficient Internet of Things with stringent power and cost constraints. In an AmBC …