The dynamic linkage between remittances, export diversification, education, renewable energy consumption, economic growth, and CO2 emissions in top remittance …
In recent years, the literature on financial development, public finance, and other areas has
substantially increased; however, remittances are among the most neglected sources with …
substantially increased; however, remittances are among the most neglected sources with …
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and remittances in Africa
Abstract Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most ambitious development
frameworks to assist in driving inclusive development globally. This is particularly so relative …
frameworks to assist in driving inclusive development globally. This is particularly so relative …
Corruption, governance, and tax revenue: evidence from EAGLE countries
This study addresses the influence of corruption and governance on the tax revenue
collection in emerging and growth-leading economies (EAGLE). To serve the purpose, the …
collection in emerging and growth-leading economies (EAGLE). To serve the purpose, the …
Effects of remittances on renewable energy consumption: Evidence from instrumental variable estimation with panel data
This study investigates the impact of remittances on renewable energy consumption (REC)
using a panel of 25 top remittance-receiving countries for 1990–2018. We use a generalized …
using a panel of 25 top remittance-receiving countries for 1990–2018. We use a generalized …
Does financial development mediate the impact of remittances on sustainable human capital investment? New insights from SSA countries
Remittances play an important role in human capital development in sub-Saharan Africa,
particularly when it comes to hel** families to pay for their children's education, access …
particularly when it comes to hel** families to pay for their children's education, access …
Financial flows and environmental quality in ECOWAS member states: accounting for residual cross-sectional dependence and slope heterogeneity
Due to rising economic growth, financial flows have been of particular interest to nations.
However, their environmental concerns have been overlooked particularly in develo** …
However, their environmental concerns have been overlooked particularly in develo** …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of financial development and remittances on educational attainment within the context of sustainable development: A panel evidence from emerging …
FH Sezgin, G Tekin Turhan, G Sart, M Danilina - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
Education is one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and is
also a vital factor for nearly all the other SDGs. Therefore, factors underlying educational …
also a vital factor for nearly all the other SDGs. Therefore, factors underlying educational …
Do remittances reduce school dropout in Bangladesh? The role of government's administrative and structural support
In the development literature, the impact of remittances on educational outcomes is a
contentious topic and remains at the heart of policy discussions on enhancing quality …
contentious topic and remains at the heart of policy discussions on enhancing quality …
[PDF][PDF] The impact of remittances on household savings in the Baltics
A Přívara, K Trnovský - Investment Management & …, 2021 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Proper understanding and monitoring of household savings are crucial to effective
macroeconomic policies targeted at balanced and sustainable economic growth …
macroeconomic policies targeted at balanced and sustainable economic growth …
Where do remittances go in household consumption? Empirical evidence from Sri Lanka‐wide micro‐data
Private internal and international remittances are a major source of household money in Sri
Lanka, yet their impact on household welfare has long been a research gap. Based on the …
Lanka, yet their impact on household welfare has long been a research gap. Based on the …