Approximate arithmetic circuits: A survey, characterization, and recent applications
Approximate computing has emerged as a new paradigm for high-performance and energy-
efficient design of circuits and systems. For the many approximate arithmetic circuits …
efficient design of circuits and systems. For the many approximate arithmetic circuits …
A survey of techniques for approximate computing
S Mittal - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2016 -
Approximate computing trades off computation quality with effort expended, and as rising
performance demands confront plateauing resource budgets, approximate computing has …
performance demands confront plateauing resource budgets, approximate computing has …
Approximate computing and the quest for computing efficiency
Diminishing benefits from technology scaling have pushed designers to look for new
sources of computing efficiency. Multicores and heterogeneous accelerator-based …
sources of computing efficiency. Multicores and heterogeneous accelerator-based …
Cross-layer approximate computing: From logic to architectures
We present a survey of approximate techniques and discuss concepts for building power-
/energy-efficient computing components reaching from approximate accelerators to …
/energy-efficient computing components reaching from approximate accelerators to …
Approximate computing survey, Part I: terminology and software & hardware approximation techniques
The rapid growth of demanding applications in domains applying multimedia processing
and machine learning has marked a new era for edge and cloud computing. These …
and machine learning has marked a new era for edge and cloud computing. These …
Approximate designs for fast Fourier transform (FFT) with application to speech recognition
This paper presents different approximate designs for computing the FFT. The tradeoff
between accuracy and performance is achieved by adjusting the word length in each …
between accuracy and performance is achieved by adjusting the word length in each …
Approximate computing survey, Part II: Application-specific & architectural approximation techniques and applications
The challenging deployment of compute-intensive applications from domains such as
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), forces the community of …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), forces the community of …
Survey on approximate computing and its intrinsic fault tolerance
This work is a survey on approximate computing and its impact on fault tolerance, especially
for safety-critical applications. It presents a multitude of approximation methodologies, which …
for safety-critical applications. It presents a multitude of approximation methodologies, which …
Security in approximate computing and approximate computing for security: Challenges and opportunities
Approximate computing is an advanced computational technique that trades the accuracy of
computation results for better utilization of system resources. It has emerged as a new …
computation results for better utilization of system resources. It has emerged as a new …
Approximate communication: Techniques for reducing communication bottlenecks in large-scale parallel systems
Approximate computing has gained research attention recently as a way to increase energy
efficiency and/or performance by exploiting some applications' intrinsic error resiliency …
efficiency and/or performance by exploiting some applications' intrinsic error resiliency …