Renewed prospects for organic photovoltaics
Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) have progressed steadily through three stages of photoactive
materials development:(i) use of poly (3-hexylthiophene) and fullerene-based acceptors …
materials development:(i) use of poly (3-hexylthiophene) and fullerene-based acceptors …
Physical insights into non-fullerene organic photovoltaics
Boosted by the fast development of non-fullerene acceptors, organic photovoltaics (OPVs)
have achieved breakthrough power conversion efficiencies—in excess of 20% and …
have achieved breakthrough power conversion efficiencies—in excess of 20% and …
All-polymer organic solar cells with nano-to-micron hierarchical morphology and large light receiving angle
Distributed photovoltaics in living environment harvest the sunlight in different incident
angles throughout the day. The development of planer solar cells with large light-receiving …
angles throughout the day. The development of planer solar cells with large light-receiving …
Single‐junction organic solar cells with 19.17% efficiency enabled by introducing one asymmetric guest acceptor
The ternary strategy has been widely identified as an effective approach to obtain high‐
efficiency organic solar cells (OSCs). However, for most ternary OSCs, the nonradiative …
efficiency organic solar cells (OSCs). However, for most ternary OSCs, the nonradiative …
Manipulating the D: A interfacial energetics and intermolecular packing for 19.2% efficiency organic photovoltaics
C He, Y Pan, Y Ouyang, Q Shen, Y Gao… - Energy & …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Manipulating the donor: acceptor (D: A) energetics, eg, the highest occupied molecular
orbital (HOMO) offset, is the key to balancing the charge separation and charge …
orbital (HOMO) offset, is the key to balancing the charge separation and charge …
Models and mechanisms of ternary organic solar cells
In ternary organic solar cells (TOSCs), three different components are mixed to form the
photoactive layer, opening up opportunities to boost the power conversion efficiency—for …
photoactive layer, opening up opportunities to boost the power conversion efficiency—for …
Recent progress in organic solar cells (Part I material science)
During past several years, the photovoltaic performances of organic solar cells (OSCs) have
achieved rapid progress with power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) over 18 …
achieved rapid progress with power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) over 18 …
Suppressing electron-phonon coupling in organic photovoltaics for high-efficiency power conversion
The nonradiative energy loss (∆ E nr) is a critical factor to limit the efficiency of organic solar
cells. Generally, strong electron-phonon coupling induced by molecular motion generates …
cells. Generally, strong electron-phonon coupling induced by molecular motion generates …
Manipulating charge transfer and transport via intermediary electron acceptor channels enables 19.3% efficiency organic photovoltaics
Balancing and improving the open‐circuit voltage (Voc) and short‐circuit current density
(Jsc) synergistically has always been the critical point for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) to …
(Jsc) synergistically has always been the critical point for organic photovoltaics (OPVs) to …
Asymmetric electron acceptor enables highly luminescent organic solar cells with certified efficiency over 18%
Enhancing the luminescence property without sacrificing the charge collection is one key to
high-performance organic solar cells (OSCs), while limited by the severe non-radiative …
high-performance organic solar cells (OSCs), while limited by the severe non-radiative …