A systematic literature review on home-based businesses: two decades of research
Purpose The research identifies literature on Home-Based Businesses (HBBs) from 2000 to
August 2023, focuses on their economic roles, challenges for entrepreneurs and success …
August 2023, focuses on their economic roles, challenges for entrepreneurs and success …
Female entrepreneurship and the metanarrative of economic growth: A critical review of underlying assumptions
This critical review of the literature on female entrepreneurship problematizes the
metanarrative of economic growth and the mechanisms through which it both operates and …
metanarrative of economic growth and the mechanisms through which it both operates and …
[KNIHA][B] (Not) getting paid to do what you love: Gender, social media, and aspirational work
BE Duffy - 2017 - books.google.com
An illuminating investigation into a class of enterprising women aspiring to" make it" in the
social media economy but often finding only unpaid work Profound transformations in our …
social media economy but often finding only unpaid work Profound transformations in our …
Linking social entrepreneurship and social change: The mediating role of empowerment
HM Haugh, A Talwar - Journal of business ethics, 2016 - Springer
Entrepreneurship is increasingly considered to be integral to development; however, social
and cultural norms impact on the extent to which women in develo** countries engage …
and cultural norms impact on the extent to which women in develo** countries engage …
Gender and entrepreneurship: Advancing debate and challenging myths; exploring the mystery of the under‐performing female entrepreneur
Purpose–Women‐owned businesses are frequently described as under‐performing in that
the majority remain small and marginal. The authors dispute this description; within this …
the majority remain small and marginal. The authors dispute this description; within this …
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and its impact on entrepreneurship research
N Bosma - Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship, 2013 - nowpublishers.com
Abstract The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is a project carried out by a research
consortium dedicated to understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and …
consortium dedicated to understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and …
Gender, risk and finance: why can't a woman be more like a man?
S Marlow, J Swail - Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Whilst acknowledging that the influence of gender upon women's business ownership is
now included as a legitimate addition to the contemporary entrepreneurship research …
now included as a legitimate addition to the contemporary entrepreneurship research …
The career identities of 'mumpreneurs': Women's experiences of combining enterprise and motherhood
This article examines the experiences of women who establish new ventures in order to
combine income generation with childcare responsibilities. Based on interviews with 20 …
combine income generation with childcare responsibilities. Based on interviews with 20 …
[HTML][HTML] The engagement of home-based businesses in the digital economy
This paper explores the engagement of home-based businesses in digital trading,
measured as proportion of their sales from buying and selling services and products online …
measured as proportion of their sales from buying and selling services and products online …
My mother-in-law does not like it: resources, social norms, and entrepreneurial intentions of women in an emerging economy
This paper provides new evidence at the intersectionality of gender, family status, and
culture by focusing on a previously little researched group of middle-class women in an …
culture by focusing on a previously little researched group of middle-class women in an …