Asymptotic Duration for Optimal Multiple Stop** Problems
We study the asymptotic duration of optimal stop** problems involving a sequence of
independent random variables that are drawn from a known continuous distribution. These …
independent random variables that are drawn from a known continuous distribution. These …
Sequential selections with minimization of failure
KJ Szajowski - Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2022 - Elsevier
The decision-maker (DM) sequentially evaluates up to N of different, rankable options. DM
must select exactly the best one at the moment of its appearance. In the process of …
must select exactly the best one at the moment of its appearance. In the process of …
[PDF][PDF] Average number of candidates surveyed by the headhunter in the recruitment
M Ernst, KJ Szajowski - Math. Appl, 2021 -
The classical secretary problem involves sequentially interviewing a pool of N applicants
with the aim of hiring exactly the best one in the pool–nothing less is good enough. The …
with the aim of hiring exactly the best one in the pool–nothing less is good enough. The …
[PDF][PDF] The Asymptotics of Multiple Optimal Stop** Times
H Entwistle - 2021 -
We consider optimal stop** problems, in which a sequence of independent random
variables is drawn from a known continuous density and are sequentially observed, with no …
variables is drawn from a known continuous density and are sequentially observed, with no …
Oczekiwane czasy realizacji optymalnych momentów zatrzymania
KJ Szajowski -
W zadaniach optymalnego zatrzymania wyznaczany optymalny moment zatrzymania nie
musi być jedyny. Zwykle zadawalamy się wyliczeniem wartości problemu i wyznaczeniem …
musi być jedyny. Zwykle zadawalamy się wyliczeniem wartości problemu i wyznaczeniem …