Inhibition as a cause of forgetting

LC Marsh, M Anderson - 2022 -
Inhibitory control is a fundamental process that enables suppression of representations or
processes that interfere with ongoing cognition and behavior. This chapter reviews the role …

[BOK][B] Learning and behavior: Instructor's review copy

JE Mazur - 2015 -
This book reviews how people and animals learn and how their behaviors are later changed
as a result of this learning. Nearly all of our behaviors are influenced by prior learning …

Active intentional and unintentional forgetting in the laboratory and everyday life

JM Fawcett, TL Taylor, E Megla… - Nature Reviews …, 2024 -
Forgetting can result from passive or active processes. Active forgetting includes
purposefully trying to forget or retrieve competing information. Knowledge about active …

[HTML][HTML] Direct suppression as a mechanism for controlling unpleasant memories in daily life.

CS Küpper, RG Benoit, T Dalgleish… - Journal of Experimental …, 2014 -
Suppressing unwanted memories can impair their later recall. Recent work shows that this
forgetting is achieved by at least two mechanisms supported by distinct neural systems …

Forgetting of emotional information is hard: an fMRI study of directed forgetting

A Nowicka, A Marchewka, K Jednorog… - Cerebral …, 2011 -
Strong evidence suggests that memory for emotional information is much better than for
neutral one. Thus, one may expect that forgetting of emotional information is difficult and …

The neural correlates of cognitive control: successful remembering and intentional forgetting

AA Rizio, NA Dennis - Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2013 -
The ability to control how we process information by remembering that which is important
and forgetting that which is irrelevant is essential to maintain accurate, up-to-date memories …

The representational consequences of intentional forgetting: Impairments to both the probability and fidelity of long-term memory.

JM Fawcett, MA Lawrence, TL Taylor - Journal of Experimental …, 2016 -
We investigated whether intentional forgetting impacts only the likelihood of later retrieval
from long-term memory or whether it also impacts the fidelity of those representations that …

Emotional memories are (usually) harder to forget: A meta-analysis of the item-method directed forgetting literature

KJ Hall, EJ Fawcett, KL Hourihan… - Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2021 - Springer
The current meta-analysis explored whether emotional memories are less susceptible to
item-method directed forgetting than neutral memories. Basic analyses revealed superior …

Intentional forgetting: Note-taking as a naturalistic example

M Eskritt, S Ma - Memory & cognition, 2014 - Springer
In the present study, we examined whether note-taking as a memory aid may provide a
naturalistic example of intentional forgetting. In the first experiment, participants played …

In support of selective rehearsal: Double-item presentation in item-method directed forgetting

P Tan, TM Ensor, WE Hockley, GW Harrison… - Psychonomic Bulletin & …, 2020 - Springer
Despite the substantial evidence highlighting the role of selective rehearsal in item-method
directed forgetting, recent work has suggested that forgetting may occur as a function of an …