Inhibition as a cause of forgetting
LC Marsh, M Anderson - 2022 - osf.io
Inhibitory control is a fundamental process that enables suppression of representations or
processes that interfere with ongoing cognition and behavior. This chapter reviews the role …
processes that interfere with ongoing cognition and behavior. This chapter reviews the role …
[BOK][B] Learning and behavior: Instructor's review copy
JE Mazur - 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
This book reviews how people and animals learn and how their behaviors are later changed
as a result of this learning. Nearly all of our behaviors are influenced by prior learning …
as a result of this learning. Nearly all of our behaviors are influenced by prior learning …
Active intentional and unintentional forgetting in the laboratory and everyday life
Forgetting can result from passive or active processes. Active forgetting includes
purposefully trying to forget or retrieve competing information. Knowledge about active …
purposefully trying to forget or retrieve competing information. Knowledge about active …
[HTML][HTML] Direct suppression as a mechanism for controlling unpleasant memories in daily life.
Suppressing unwanted memories can impair their later recall. Recent work shows that this
forgetting is achieved by at least two mechanisms supported by distinct neural systems …
forgetting is achieved by at least two mechanisms supported by distinct neural systems …
Forgetting of emotional information is hard: an fMRI study of directed forgetting
Strong evidence suggests that memory for emotional information is much better than for
neutral one. Thus, one may expect that forgetting of emotional information is difficult and …
neutral one. Thus, one may expect that forgetting of emotional information is difficult and …
The neural correlates of cognitive control: successful remembering and intentional forgetting
The ability to control how we process information by remembering that which is important
and forgetting that which is irrelevant is essential to maintain accurate, up-to-date memories …
and forgetting that which is irrelevant is essential to maintain accurate, up-to-date memories …
The representational consequences of intentional forgetting: Impairments to both the probability and fidelity of long-term memory.
We investigated whether intentional forgetting impacts only the likelihood of later retrieval
from long-term memory or whether it also impacts the fidelity of those representations that …
from long-term memory or whether it also impacts the fidelity of those representations that …
Emotional memories are (usually) harder to forget: A meta-analysis of the item-method directed forgetting literature
The current meta-analysis explored whether emotional memories are less susceptible to
item-method directed forgetting than neutral memories. Basic analyses revealed superior …
item-method directed forgetting than neutral memories. Basic analyses revealed superior …
Intentional forgetting: Note-taking as a naturalistic example
M Eskritt, S Ma - Memory & cognition, 2014 - Springer
In the present study, we examined whether note-taking as a memory aid may provide a
naturalistic example of intentional forgetting. In the first experiment, participants played …
naturalistic example of intentional forgetting. In the first experiment, participants played …
In support of selective rehearsal: Double-item presentation in item-method directed forgetting
Despite the substantial evidence highlighting the role of selective rehearsal in item-method
directed forgetting, recent work has suggested that forgetting may occur as a function of an …
directed forgetting, recent work has suggested that forgetting may occur as a function of an …