A review of CO2 storage in geological formations emphasizing modeling, monitoring and capacity estimation approaches
The merits of CO 2 capture and storage to the environmental stability of our world should not
be underestimated as emissions of greenhouse gases cause serious problems. It represents …
be underestimated as emissions of greenhouse gases cause serious problems. It represents …
[HTML][HTML] Fluid flow and CO2–fluid–mineral interactions during CO2-storage in sedimentary basins
Modelling the progress of geochemical processes in CO 2 storage sites is frustrated by
uncertainties in the rates of CO 2 flow and dissolution, and in the rates and controlling …
uncertainties in the rates of CO 2 flow and dissolution, and in the rates and controlling …
Sustainable development, poverty eradication and reducing inequalities
This chapter takes sustainable development as the starting point and focus for analysis. It
considers the broad and multifaceted bi-directional interplay between sustainable …
considers the broad and multifaceted bi-directional interplay between sustainable …
Minireview on CO2 Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers: Methods, Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives
Deep saline aquifers have received much attention as storage sites of CO2 due to their large
storage capacity. However, many issues like CO2 leakage, low solubility of CO2 in brine …
storage capacity. However, many issues like CO2 leakage, low solubility of CO2 in brine …
Non-carcinogenic risk assessment of groundwater in southern part of Salem district in Tamilnadu, India
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the groundwater quality for domestic,
agriculture use and to describe fluoride contamination in groundwater and their impacts on …
agriculture use and to describe fluoride contamination in groundwater and their impacts on …
2° C and SDGs: united they stand, divided they fall?
The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the new international
climate treaty could put 2015 into the history books as a defining year for setting human …
climate treaty could put 2015 into the history books as a defining year for setting human …
Dynamic three-dimensional pore-scale imaging of reaction in a carbonate at reservoir conditions
Quantifying CO2 transport and average effective reaction rates in the subsurface is essential
to assess the risks associated with underground carbon capture and storage. We use X-ray …
to assess the risks associated with underground carbon capture and storage. We use X-ray …
[HTML][HTML] Sufficiency in energy scenario studies: Taking the potential benefits of lifestyle changes into account
In recent years, a number of energy scenario studies which aim to advise policy makers on
appropriate energy policy measures have been developed. These studies highlight changes …
appropriate energy policy measures have been developed. These studies highlight changes …
Concentrations of arsenic and other elements in groundwater of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India: potential cancer risk
We investigated the concentrations of 23 elements in groundwater from arsenic (As)
contaminated areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India to determine the potential …
contaminated areas of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India to determine the potential …
CO2 sequestration in feldspar-rich sandstone: coupled evolution of fluid chemistry, mineral reaction rates, and hydrogeochemical properties
Abstract To investigate CO 2 Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) in sandstones, we
performed three 150° C flow-through experiments on K-feldspar-rich cores from the Eau …
performed three 150° C flow-through experiments on K-feldspar-rich cores from the Eau …