Small-magnitude effect sizes in epigenetic end points are important in children's environmental health studies: the children's environmental health and disease …
Background: Characterization of the epigenome is a primary interest for children's
environmental health researchers studying the environmental influences on human …
environmental health researchers studying the environmental influences on human …
Analysing and interpreting DNA methylation data
DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark that has suspected regulatory roles in a broad range
of biological processes and diseases. The technology is now available for studying DNA …
of biological processes and diseases. The technology is now available for studying DNA …
Critical evaluation of the Illumina MethylationEPIC BeadChip microarray for whole-genome DNA methylation profiling
Background In recent years the Illumina HumanMethylation450 (HM450) BeadChip has
provided a user-friendly platform to profile DNA methylation in human samples. However …
provided a user-friendly platform to profile DNA methylation in human samples. However …
DNA methylation in newborns and maternal smoking in pregnancy: genome-wide consortium meta-analysis
Epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, represent a potential mechanism for
environmental impacts on human disease. Maternal smoking in pregnancy remains an …
environmental impacts on human disease. Maternal smoking in pregnancy remains an …
Minfi: a flexible and comprehensive Bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium DNA methylation microarrays
Abstract Motivation: The recently released Infinium HumanMethylation450 array (the
'450k'array) provides a high-throughput assay to quantify DNA methylation (DNAm) at∼ 450 …
'450k'array) provides a high-throughput assay to quantify DNA methylation (DNAm) at∼ 450 …
ChAMP: 450k chip analysis methylation pipeline
Abstract The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip is a new platform for high-
throughput DNA methylation analysis. Several methods for normalization and processing of …
throughput DNA methylation analysis. Several methods for normalization and processing of …
A beta-mixture quantile normalization method for correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450 k DNA methylation data
Abstract Motivation: The Illumina Infinium 450 k DNA Methylation Beadchip is a prime
candidate technology for Epigenome-Wide Association Studies (EWAS). However, a …
candidate technology for Epigenome-Wide Association Studies (EWAS). However, a …
A data-driven approach to preprocessing Illumina 450K methylation array data
Background As the most stable and experimentally accessible epigenetic mark, DNA
methylation is of great interest to the research community. The landscape of DNA …
methylation is of great interest to the research community. The landscape of DNA …
Comprehensive analysis of DNA methylation data with RnBeads
RnBeads is a software tool for large-scale analysis and interpretation of DNA methylation
data, providing a user-friendly analysis workflow that yields detailed hypertext reports …
data, providing a user-friendly analysis workflow that yields detailed hypertext reports …
Childhood maltreatment is associated with distinct genomic and epigenetic profiles in posttraumatic stress disorder
Childhood maltreatment is likely to influence fundamental biological processes and engrave
long-lasting epigenetic marks, leading to adverse health outcomes in adulthood. We aimed …
long-lasting epigenetic marks, leading to adverse health outcomes in adulthood. We aimed …