A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018
Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be traced to five economic sectors: energy,
industry, buildings, transport and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land uses). In this …
industry, buildings, transport and AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and other land uses). In this …
Guidance for successful tree planting initiatives
A growing number of initiatives at global, regional and national scales propose to plant
millions, billions or even trillions of trees as a simple solution to resolve complex …
millions, billions or even trillions of trees as a simple solution to resolve complex …
A large but transient carbon sink from urbanization and rural depopulation in China
China has experienced unprecedented urbanization and associated rural depopulation
during recent decades alongside a massive increase in the total population. By using …
during recent decades alongside a massive increase in the total population. By using …
Emissions trends and drivers (chapter 2)
Global net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during the last decade (2010–
2019) were higher than at any previous time in human history (high confidence). Since …
2019) were higher than at any previous time in human history (high confidence). Since …
Ten golden rules for reforestation to optimize carbon sequestration, biodiversity recovery and livelihood benefits
A Di Sacco, KA Hardwick, D Blakesley… - Global Change …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Urgent solutions to global climate change are needed. Ambitious tree‐planting initiatives,
many already underway, aim to sequester enormous quantities of carbon to partly …
many already underway, aim to sequester enormous quantities of carbon to partly …
Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
International trade separates consumption of goods from related environmental impacts,
including greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land-use change (together …
including greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land-use change (together …
The role of financial development and globalization in the environment: accounting ecological footprint indicators for selected one-belt-one-road initiative countries
The pressure of globalization on our ecosystem is widely debated, and academics and
researchers urge clear policies at all levels. In this regard, a plethora of research work use …
researchers urge clear policies at all levels. In this regard, a plethora of research work use …
Tree planting is not a simple solution
A plethora of articles suggest that tree planting can overcome a host of environmental
problems, including climate change, water shortages, and the sixth mass extinction (1–3) …
problems, including climate change, water shortages, and the sixth mass extinction (1–3) …
Middle-range theories of land system change
Abstract Changes in land systems generate many sustainability challenges. Identifying more
sustainable land-use alternatives requires solid theoretical foundations on the causes of …
sustainable land-use alternatives requires solid theoretical foundations on the causes of …
[HTML][HTML] The battle for biomass: a systematic review of food-feed-fuel competition
We review 75 studies on the competition for biomass and production resources such as
land, water, labour and capital across food, feed and fuel production. We identified seven …
land, water, labour and capital across food, feed and fuel production. We identified seven …