Survey of glyph-based visualization techniques for spatial multivariate medical data
In this survey article, we review glyph-based visualization techniques that have been
exploited when visualizing spatial multivariate medical data. To classify these techniques …
exploited when visualizing spatial multivariate medical data. To classify these techniques …
What makes a visualization memorable?
An ongoing debate in the Visualization community concerns the role that visualization types
play in data understanding. In human cognition, understanding and memorability are …
play in data understanding. In human cognition, understanding and memorability are …
Presaging and surfacing interactivity within data visualizations
V Mital, DE Rubin, JA Wolf, JA Payne… - US Patent …, 2016 - Google Patents
US 2010/0325578 A1 Dec. 23, 2010(57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl The use of visual cues
associated with rendered visual items Go, F M48(2013.01) to cue a user on whether a …
associated with rendered visual items Go, F M48(2013.01) to cue a user on whether a …
WYTIWYR: A User Intent‐Aware Framework with Multi‐modal Inputs for Visualization Retrieval
Retrieving charts from a large corpus is a fundamental task that can benefit numerous
applications such as visualization recommendations. The retrieved results are expected to …
applications such as visualization recommendations. The retrieved results are expected to …
A review of visualization methods for cyber-physical security: Smart grid case study
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are becoming increasingly complex and interconnected as
they attempt to meet the demands of evolving society. As a result, monitoring and …
they attempt to meet the demands of evolving society. As a result, monitoring and …
How the preattentive process is exploited in practical information visualization design: A review
This review aims to analyze the recent literature to find how the preattentive visual process is
currently used in information visualization, particularly to improve the cognitive process in …
currently used in information visualization, particularly to improve the cognitive process in …
Dependency graph in data-driven model
DE Rubin, V Mital, BC Beckman… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
1101 model parameters using analytics. In one embodiment, the dependency graph is part
of vi sually driven analytics in Which the output model parameter (s) are used to formulate …
of vi sually driven analytics in Which the output model parameter (s) are used to formulate …
VIStory: Interactive storyboard for exploring visual information in scientific publications
Many visual analytics have been developed for examining scientific publications comprising
wealthy data such as authors and citations. The studies provide unprecedented insights on …
wealthy data such as authors and citations. The studies provide unprecedented insights on …
Composing shapes and data series in geometries
DE Rubin, V Mital, DG Green, BC Beckman - US Patent 8,866,818, 2014 - Google Patents
2007/0277111 A1 2007/0279416 A1 2007/0282809 A1 2007, 0294.196 A1 2008/0010041
A1 2008, OO15823 A1 2008/00598.89 A1 2008.0062167 A1 2008. O104118 A1 …
A1 2008, OO15823 A1 2008/00598.89 A1 2008.0062167 A1 2008. O104118 A1 …
Data-driven visualization transformation
V Mital, DE Rubin, DG Green - US Patent 8,531,451, 2013 - Google Patents
Binding. g.: 532 view {in} ore 32 view Component 522 the transition might occur by changing
any one or more of the following: changing the data that is applied to the view com ponents …
any one or more of the following: changing the data that is applied to the view com ponents …